Hi all,

I'm happy to announce pandas that pandas 0.23.4 has been released.

This is a minor bug-fix release in the 0.23.x series and includes some
regression fixes, bug fixes, and performance improvements. We recommend
that all users upgrade to this version.
See the full whatsnew
<https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.23.4/whatsnew.html> for a
list of all the changes.

The release can be installed with conda from the default channel and

conda install pandas

Or via PyPI:

python -m pip install --upgrade pandas

A total of 4 people contributed to this release.  People with a "+" by their
names contributed a patch for the first time.

* Jeff Reback
* Tom Augspurger
* chris-b1
* h-vetinari

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