pyspread 0.0.5 has been released. --
New features are: + X, Y, Z for relative cell relations are now pre-processed (easier to use) + Cells can be given a name with <name>=<expresion>. These names are located in the global namespace + Arrays and matrices within one cell can now easily be spread out to a cell range in the grid with the spread function. (spread(x,y,z,value) where x,y,z represents the top-left-front target cell and value is replaced by the origin cell reference) + Rows and columns can be inserted and deleted + Copy, Paste and Delete behaviour improved + Copy and Paste now work in cell editor when no selection is present + Basic tab-delimited text import added -- About: pyspread is a spreadsheet that accepts a pure python expression in each cell. -- Highlights: + No non-python syntax add-ons + Access to python modules from cells + 3D grid + Numpy object array for representation of string entry into grid cell + Numpy object array for representation of eval function array + Cell access via slicing of numpy function array + X, Y, and Z yield current cell location for relative reference Requires: Python >=2.4, Numpy 1.0.4, and wxPython License: GPL Project page: Best Regards Martin -- Support the Python Software Foundation: