PyCon is not just a conference to hear people present on Python and
Python applications.  It's also a place to meet and work with
colleagues from around the world.

Consider the following opportunities for collaboration:

- Sprinting

  A sprint is a multi-day session of intense development organized
  around extreme programming (XP) ideas such as pair programming.
  There will be four days, March 19-22, before the regular conference
  to sprint on a variety of projects.  To see what sprints are
  planned, see:

  If you would like to lead a sprint, feel free to add the sprint
  to that page.  If you want to participate in a sprint, visit
  a sprint-topic page and add your name to the list of attendees so
  that we know how many people are coming.

  If you have a question about the sprints, feel free to drop me
  a line.

- Open Space

  Open space is a part of PyCon designed to provide opportunities for
  collaboration.  There are two kinds of open space at Pycon, quiet
  and noisy.  There will be a quiet room provided throughout the
  conference for people to access the network and to quietly hack with
  others (e.g. pair program).

  There will also be noisy rooms for people to have discussions or
  give informal presentations.  The noisy rooms will host up to two
  presentations or discussions at a time.  We'll provide the
  opportunity to sign up for 30-minute time slots.  We'll allow sign
  up for half of the time slots before the conference.  There will
  be a posted schedule with spaces to sign up for the remainder of
  the time slots during the conference.

  I'll provide more information on the open space schedule soon,
  after we finalize the rest of the conference schedule.


Jim Fulton           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

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