Hi All,

On behalf of the NumPy team I'm pleased to announce the release of NumPy
1.16.1. This release fixes bugs reported against the 1.16.0 release, and
also backports several enhancements from master that seem appropriate for a
release series that is the last to support Python 2.7. The supported Python
versions are 2.7 and 3.5-3.7. The wheels on PyPI are linked with OpenBLAS
v0.3.4+,  which should fix the known threading issues found in previous
OpenBLAS versions. Downstream developers building this release should use
Cython >= 0.29.2 and, if using OpenBLAS, OpenBLAS > v0.3.4.

If you are installing using pip, you may encounter a problem with older
installed versions of NumPy that pip did not delete becoming mixed with the
current version, resulting in an *ImportError*. That problem is
particularly common on Debian derived distributions due to a modified pip.
The fix is to make sure all previous NumPy versions installed by pip have
been removed. See #12736 <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/12736>  for
discussion of the issue. Note that previously this problem resulted in an

Wheels for this release can be downloaded from PyPI
<https://pypi.org/project/numpy/1.16.1/>, source archives and release notes
are available from Github


* #12767: ENH: add mm->q floordiv
* #12768: ENH: port np.core.overrides to C for speed
* #12769: ENH: Add np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(dtype), improve
* #12773: ENH: add "max difference" messages to
* #12820: ENH: Add mm->qm divmod
* #12890: ENH: add _dtype_ctype to namespace for freeze analysis


A total of 16 people contributed to this release.  People with a "+" by
names contributed a patch for the first time.

* Antoine Pitrou
* Arcesio Castaneda Medina +
* Charles Harris
* Chris Markiewicz +
* Christoph Gohlke
* Christopher J. Markiewicz +
* Daniel Hrisca +
* EelcoPeacs +
* Eric Wieser
* Kevin Sheppard
* Matti Picus
* OBATA Akio +
* Ralf Gommers
* Sebastian Berg
* Stephan Hoyer
* Tyler Reddy


Charles Harris

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