Hi All, Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.3.3 have been released
Details on Pydev Extensions: http://www.fabioz.com/pydev Details on Pydev: http://pydev.sf.net Details on its development: http://pydev.blogspot.com Release Highlights in Pydev Extensions: ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Quick-fix: When an import is added from the auto-import quick-fix, a code-analysis is requested right after it. * Minor bugs fixed. Release Highlights in Pydev: ---------------------------------------------- * Performance: Optimizations in the code-completion structure. * Debugger: Performance improvements (it will only actually trace contexts that have breakpoints -- it was doing that in a module context before). * Debugger: Step over correctly stops at the previous context. * Debugger: Breakpoint labels correct when class/function name changes. * Quick-Fix: Move import to global scope would not be correct if the last line was a multi-line import. * Outline: Syntax errors will show in the outline. * Outline: Selection on import nodes is now correct. * Outline: Link with editor created. * Outline: Show in outline added to the pydev perspective. * Find Previous Problem: action created (Ctrl+Shift+.). * Extract method refactoring: end line delimiters are gotten according to the document (it was previously fixed to \n). * Extension-points: Documentation added for some of the extension points available. * Perspective: The pydev package explorer has been set as the preferred browser in the pydev perspective. What is PyDev? --------------------------- PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others. Cheers, -- Fabio Zadrozny ------------------------------------------------------ Software Developer ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software http://www.esss.com.br Pydev Extensions http://www.fabioz.com/pydev Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse http://pydev.sf.net http://pydev.blogspot.com
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