I've just uploaded the Pygments 1.1 packages to CheeseShop. Pygments is a
generic syntax highlighter written in Python.

Download it from <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pygments>, or look at the
demonstration at <http://pygments.org/demo>.

Many thanks go to Tim Hatch for writing or integrating many of the bug
fixes and new features in this release.  Of course, thanks to all other
contributors too!

Short changelog:

- Ported Pygments to Python 3; use "python3 setup.py build" and
  "python3 setup.py install" as usual with the source distribution.

- Lexers added: Antlr/Ragel, (Ba)sh shell, Erlang shell, GLSL, Prolog,
  Evoque, Modelica, Rebol, MXML, Cython, ABAP, ASP.net (VB/C#),
  Vala, Newspeak.

- Fixed the LaTeX formatter's output so that output generated for one style
  can be used with the style definitions of another (#384).

- Added "anchorlinenos" and "noclobber_cssfile" (#396) options to HTML

- Fixed lots of major and minor bugs in many lexers.

- Added new-style reStructuredText directive for docutils 0.5+ (#428).



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