Pyro 4.0
I'm extremely pleased to announce the release of Pyro 4.0!
This is the first official release of the new incarnation of Pyro.

What is Pyro?
PYthon Remote Objects provides a very easy way of remote communication
between python objects somewhere in a network. It enables you to do
remote method calls on objects as if they were normal local objects.
Objects can be located by a direct identifier or indirectly by logical,
humanly-readable names that are managed in a name server.
Pyro is designed to be simple (but powerful) so it's only a manner of
adding a few lines of code to ignite your objects.
Simple example:

The most important changes compared to Pyro 3.x are:

- total rewrite, API similar but not backward compatible
- simpler & faster & better
- some features have been removed for the sake of the above
- Python 3.x compatible! (separate download for now)
- requires Python 2.5+, works with jython and ironpython (recent versions)
- large amount of unit tests
- many rewritten examples
- no manual yet, but the ideas are similar to Pyro 3.x, so look there for now

Website & Download
Detailed info here:
(a page about migration from Pyro 3.x is included)

Download Pyro 4.0 here:

License: MIT software license.

Irmen de Jong

       Support the Python Software Foundation:

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