Pyro 4.2
I'm pleased to announce the release of Pyro 4.2!

Detailed info here:
Download here:
Python package index entry:

License: MIT software license.
Note: Pyro 4 is not finalized, this is still a beta release.

The most important changes compared to Pyro 4.1 are:

- toplevel package renamed to Pyro4 to allow parallel installation
  of Pyro 3.x and Pyro4
- python 3.x compatibility

What is Pyro?
PYthon Remote Objects provides a very easy way of remote communication
between python objects somewhere in a network. It enables you to do
remote method calls on objects as if they were normal local objects.
Objects can be located by a direct identifier or indirectly by logical,
humanly-readable names that are managed in a name server.
Pyro is designed to be simple (but powerful) so it's only a manner of
adding a few lines of code to ignite your objects.
Simple example:

Irmen de Jong

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