
Things are moving quickly in preparation for SciPy 2010: Last week we announced the General Conference schedule (http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/schedule.html ), Tuesday we announced our student sponsorship recipients (http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/student.html ) and now we're ready to tell you give you a look at the talks we have lined up for our
Bioinformatics and Parallel Processing /Cloud Computing tracks.

===Parallel  Processing & Cloud Computing track===
We really appreciate Brian and Ken's work organizing the papers for this
specialized track. And of course, thanks to everyone who submitted a paper. There has been a great deal of interest in this set of talks — and word on
the street is that Brian may even have a HPC tutorial up his sleeve...
* StarCluster - NumPy/SciPy Computing in the Cloud-
     Justin Riley
* pomsets: workflow management for your cloud-
     Michael J Pan
* Getting Down with Big Data
     Jared Flatow, Anita Lillie, Ville Tuulos
* StarFlow: A Cloud-Enables Python Workflow Engine for Scientific Analysis Pipelines
     Elaine Angelino, Dan Yamins, Margo Seltzer
* A Programmatic Interface for Particle Plasma Simulation in Python, and Early Backend Results with PyCUDA
     Min Ragan-Kelley
* Parallel Computing with IPython: an Application to Air Pollution Modeling
     B.E. Granger, J.G. Hemann
* Astronomy App in the Cloud using Google Geo APIs and Python App Engine
     Shawn Shen

===Bioinformatics track===
Once again, we are indebted to Glen Otero, from Dell, for putting together the Bioinformatics track. He received some fantastic papers and we're really looking forward to these presentations:
* Protein Folding with Python on Supercomputers
     Jan H. Meinke
* Can Python Save Next-Generation Sequencing?
* The Use of Galaxy for the Research and the Teaching of Genomics
    Roy Weckiewicz, Jim Hu, and Rodolfo Aramayo

===Early registration ends next Monday===
That's right: Only a few days left before rates increase! Think of all the
BBQ and breakfast tacos you can buy with that $50-$100 you'll save by
registering early. If that doesn't convince you, consider:

-Cheap flights to Austin-
Buy your tickets now for some very nice prices: $275 from Chicago, $330 from
San Francisco, $380 from New York City, $810 from London...(prices from

-Convenient & affordable hotel-
We got an fantastic deal for on-site accommodations at the AT&T
Conference Center. Pay only $89/night for single occupancy or $105/ night for
double occupancy. It will be great to have everyone staying in the same
spot. Once you register, you'll get a code to book your hotel reservation.
The discounted rate will be applied automatically.

No car necessary to get to the conference... and see Austin!
An airport bus (http://capmetro.org/riding/current_schedules/maps/rt100_sb.pdf )
runs straight to and from the AT&T center, so you won't
have to rent a car at all. Plus, the UT campus area is in walking distance
to a number of great restaurants and activities.  For any longer trips
you'd like to make Austin has a great public bus system.

Not to mention all of the mind-blowing things you'll learn and outstanding
people you'll meet and catch up with. So what are you waiting for?
Register: https://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/registration.html


The SciPy 2010 Team
@SciPy2010 on Twitter

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