XPDX will be hosting a code sprint on April 9-10, 2005 in downtown Portland,

A code sprint is a gathering of a bunch of programmers to complete a short,
rapid development project. It allows developers from different companies to
work together and learn from each other. It's also a fun weekend where we
can make some impressive advances in interesting projects.

This code sprint will be focused on two things: Extreme Programming and
Python. Come pair with long-time XPers to learn from their experience. Or,
pair with people from other backgrounds to get a fresh look at your own

We are focusing on Python because it is a new language to many in XPDX, and
one that works well with XP. Also, Python integrates tightly with other
common XP languages, allowing us to easily blend in XP work in a number of
different areas. Currently, people have expressed interest in the following

* Pure Python.
* Python and C++, via boost.org's boost::python interoperability template
* Python and Java, via Jython.
* Python and .Net, via Iron Python.
* And probably some Smalltalk, just because.

This is not a pure Python sprint. Please feel free to come if you've never
even heard of the language. Many of us will be learning it this weekend.
Also, if you have no interest in Python, come anyway. There will be a lot of
work in Java and C++, and a smattering of other options.

We are organizing this sprint via the XPDX area of the C2 wiki, at
[http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?XpCodeSprint].Please visit that page for up to date
information or to sign up.

If anyone has a project that they want to work on, please add it to the
wiki. Here are some get us started.

* http://pythoncard.sourceforge.net/
* http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/, or MoinMoin plugins.
* http://scons.sourceforge.net/
* Agile programming infrastructure. Some (as yet poorly defined) set of
integrated tools to allow unit testing, automated build, automated smoke
testing, release control, SCM, and other necessary activities. Glue together
existing products, and provide a single installer that will configure the
whole suite. If anyone knows of one of these currently in progress, please
update the page to add a link.
* How about a rocket telemetry data analysis or visualization tool for
http://psas.pdx.edu/?  We could even provide live hardware.


Critical Path Software his kindly invited us to use a floor of its downtown
facilities for this sprint. The office is at 711 SW Alder St. in downtown
Portland. It is about a block from Pioneer Courthouse Square, so is an easy
MAX ride from many places in the city.

The code sprint will run on April 9th and 10th. We will start each day at
10:00, and run until evening. Saturday night, several of us will probably
troop on down to one of the local beer establishments.

If you have additional questions, please email me.

I look forward to pairing with you.

Arlo Belshee
Organizer, XPDX


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