Hi all, The first version of alsaseq, bindings to the ALSA sequencer has been released.
alsaseq is a Python module that allows to interact with ALSA sequencer clients. It can create an ALSA client, connect to other clients, send and receive ALSA events immediately or at a scheduled time using a sequencer queue. It provides a subset of the ALSA sequencer capabilities in a simplified model. It is implemented in C language and licensed under the Gnu GPL license version 2 or later. Home http://pp.com.mx/python/alsaseq Download http://pp.com.mx/python/alsaseq/alsaseq-0.1.tar.gz Regards, Patricio Páez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <P><A HREF="http://pp.com.mx/python/alsaseq">alsaseq 0.1</A> - bindings to the ALSA sequencer. (09-Sep-07) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-announce-list Support the Python Software Foundation: http://www.python.org/psf/donations.html