csounds routines beta 7 is out. I would like to mention this might be a good project for people just starting out because all you are doing is messing with text files to set things up to do amazing things and without the dreaded re module (so far). https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=156455&package_id=202823
Dex Tracker will not be updated until I save the .sco editor saving files working routines get_instr(from_file, to_file, instr_num) from_file is the .csd file that you are reading to to file is where you wish the shortened orc file saved. Currently the plan is to save then as svc files. instr_num is the instrument number that is to be ripped. The purpose is part of an overall system but it can be used to rip orc files from other csd files. There will be parts of instruments that are not captured in some or maybe alot of .csd files. If there is donated code to adress that it will be given a different name most likely. csdInstrumentList(From_file) from_file is the file that is to be read from. This will return two lists instr_number that is a list of numbers currently in the csd file and comments wich is any comment that is included on the instr line following the instr number full_orc_file(from_file, to_file) from_file is the shortened orc file to be read from. To file is the full orc file to be written to. The routine reads a shortened orc format and writes a header part to create a full orc file. get_score(from_file, to_file, instr_num) from_file the file to get the score from. to_file is the file it is to be saved to. instr_num the instrument number that is to be ripped from the csd file. Del_Instr(from_file, instr) for instr will pick up i1 and i10 in test splitline is probily helpfull csoundgrid(filename, header_string) Loads a file (We want it for .orc files but the editor doesn't care what it is) and places the lines into a grid. The header string is a string that is defined by the user that for the purposes of editing .sco files should be placed at the end of the list of words to be used as a header for the collums. sco_editor(self): This brings up a .sco file picker and passes the file picked to csoundgrid return_pins(from_file): This gives a list of all the pins that are defined with zar and zawm. It will return instr number, intrument input and instrument output http://www.dexrow.com -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-announce-list Support the Python Software Foundation: http://www.python.org/psf/donations.html