itools is a Python library, it groups a number of packages into a single
meta-package for easier development and deployment:

  itools.catalog        itools.http             itools.uri
  itools.cms            itools.i18n             itools.vfs
  itools.csv            itools.ical             itools.web
  itools.datatypes      itools.rss              itools.workflow
  itools.gettext        itools.schemas          itools.xhtml
  itools.handlers       itools.stl              itools.xliff
  itools.html           itools.tmx              itools.xml

This release brings some new features to itools.cms, and a lot of aesthetic
and usability improvements:

  - Two new object types have been added, a forum and a wiki;
  - Added a contact form;
  - Added a forgotten password form;
  - Changed the layout of the menus;
  - Updated colors, icons and views here and there.

Other than this the focus of 0.15.1 has been to clean the code. Specially
the support for dates and times, and the programming interface of
configuration handlers, has been improved.


 - Hervé Cauwelier contributed the Forum and Wiki objects, and worked to
   improve the user's experience;
 - J. David Ibáñez added the contact and forgotten password forms, and
   worked on the user interface and cleaning the source code;
 - Sylvain Taverne fixed the Dublin Core schema.




Mailing list

Bug Tracker

J. David Ibáñez
Itaapy <>         Tel +33 (0)1 42 23 67 45
9 rue Darwin, 75018 Paris              Fax +33 (0)1 53 28 27 88 


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