
the first version of sec-wall, a feature packed high-performance security proxy, has just been released.

sec-wall has many interesting features, including the support SSL/TLS, WS-Security, HTTP Auth Basic/Digest, extensible authentication schemes based on custom HTTP headers and XPath expressions, powerful URL matching/rewriting and an optional headers enrichment.

sec-wall uses and is built on top of several fantastic Python open source technologies, such as gevent, Spring Python, pesto, lxml, zdaemon or PyYAML and is meant to be highly customizable and easy to use. Good performance, tests, documentation and building an awesome community are at the very heart of the project.

Here's an example showing how little is needed to secure a backend server with HTTP Basic Auth.

# ######################################################

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# stdlib
import uuid

# Don't share it with anyone.
INSTANCE_SECRET = '5bf4e78c256746eda2ce3e0e73f256d0'

# May be shared with the outside world.
INSTANCE_UNIQUE = uuid.uuid4().hex

def default():
    return {
        'basic-auth-realm':'Secure area',
        'host': 'http://example.com'

urls = [
    ('/*', default()),

# ######################################################


Project's homepage: http://sec-wall.gefira.pl/
Getting started: http://sec-wall.gefira.pl/documentation/getting-started/index.html Usage examples: http://sec-wall.gefira.pl/documentation/usage-examples/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fourthrealm
Blog: http://www.gefira.pl/blog
IRC: #sec-wall channel on Freenode network


Dariusz Suchojad

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