world is a script that maps ISO 3166 top-level country codes to the English
country names and back again.  It also knows about a bunch of, but no where
near complete, other top-level domains.  For example:

    $ world tz us
    tz originates from Tanzania, United Republic of
    us originates from United States of America (the)

    $ world -r united
    Matches for "united":
      ae: United Arab Emirates (the)
      gb: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
      tz: Tanzania, United Republic of
      uk: United Kingdom (common practice)
      um: United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)
      us: United States of America (the)

It also provides the worldlib package, which is an API you can use in your own
programs if you need this database.  The library is only compatible with
Python 3.

Version 4.0 is a major new update to the tool, library, and database.

It can be installed using `pip install world` of course. :)

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