[issue27945] Various segfaults with dict

2017-06-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: For the context see issue30484. If the segfault is caused by garbage collection this perhaps is not an expluatable vulnerability, but a severe bug that can affect any multithread application and doesn't have a workaround. --

[issue30791] tkinter.Tk() adds suffix to window class name when launching multiple instances

2017-06-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: I concur with Terry. This is not a Tkinter issue, this is a Tk issue. Ask help on Tcl/Tk resources. If this is considered a bug open a ticket on the Tk tracker: https://core.tcl.tk/tk/tktnew . -- resolution: -> third party stage: -> resolved

[issue30730] [security] Injecting environment variable in subprocess on Windows

2017-06-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: Yes, fsencode() already rejected embedded nulls, that is why the Posix branch doesn't need additional check for null characters. The Posix branch was changed only for adding the check for the '=' character in names. --

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: > Isn’t there a “Unicode writer” API that could be used? It could be used if accumulate only Python strings, C strings and separate characters. But in any case we need to convert C integers to strings, and add up to 3 items per every attribute (separator,

[issue30822] Python implementation of datetime module is not being tested correctly.

2017-06-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: Please provide a separate PR for this. After merging it with the master branch it should be backported to 3.6 and 3.5 (3.4 and 3.3 are for security only fixes). Add your name in Misc/ACKS. Changes in Misc/NEWS.d/ are not required. -- stage: ->

[issue27425] Tests fail because of git's newline preferences on Windows

2017-06-30 Thread Steve Dower
Steve Dower added the comment: There's nothing that needs to block the release as far as I'm concerned. The main fix was that I needed a fresh clone on my build machine to pick up the gitattribute changes. The other bug is still open to enhance some tests and skip one in the release tree,

[issue30730] [security] Injecting environment variable in subprocess on Windows

2017-06-30 Thread Steve Dower
Steve Dower added the comment: It's certainly exploitable for remote code execution if user data allows embedded nulls (can you URL encode %00?). The fixes look fine and shouldn't cause any new issues, though I thought that fsencode() already rejected embedded nulls - maybe I'm thinking of

[issue30597] Show expected input in custom "print" error message

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: While it's debatable, I think one can make something of a case for this being a usability bug rather than a new feature. Given the impact to new users of Python 3 and the apparent relative low risk of the change, I'll go out on a bit of a limb and allow it for

[issue30473] defaultdict raises SystemError, __missing__ returned NULL in thread

2017-06-30 Thread Peter Parente
Peter Parente added the comment: Glad to hear it. Cheers, Victor! -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue27425] Tests fail because of git's newline preferences on Windows

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: So do we have a resolution or resolutions for this yet? And is bpo-30716 truly a duplicate? If so, let's use one or the other. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue30391] test_threading_handled() of test_socketserver hangs randomly on AMD64 FreeBSD 10.x Shared 3.6

2017-06-30 Thread Martin Panter
Martin Panter added the comment: These tests are supposed to: 1. Create a TCP server 2. Open a TCP connection 3. Run a custom connection handler (depending on the particular test) in a new thread 4. When the handler returns, the new thread should call “shutdown_request” 5. Shutdown_request

[issue30319] ConnectionResetError: [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer in socket.close on FreeBSD, Py 3.6

2017-06-30 Thread Martin Panter
Martin Panter added the comment: I think fixing all affected calls to socket.close in the world (option 3) would be too much. I just added two new reports (Issue 30652 and Issue 30391) as dependencies. These are about testing socketserver.TCPServer. As an example, to fix the socket.close call

[issue30779] IDLE: configdialog -- factor out Changes class

2017-06-30 Thread Cheryl Sabella
Cheryl Sabella added the comment: Thanks for pointing out mapping protocol access. That's what I was (poorly) trying to describe in the __getitem__ docstring in v1. It's a really concept. I worked on the tests. I added some more code to the classes, so I uploaded that too (sorry, but I

[issue29334] ssl.SSLObject method getpeercert() is buggy, do_handshake() is strange

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: Is anything holding this up for merging into 3.6 and/or 3.5? -- nosy: +ned.deily ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30779] IDLE: configdialog -- factor out Changes class

2017-06-30 Thread Cheryl Sabella
Changes by Cheryl Sabella : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46985/changes_class_v3.py ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30779] IDLE: configdialog -- factor out Changes class

2017-06-30 Thread Cheryl Sabella
Changes by Cheryl Sabella : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46984/configdialog_tests_v1.py ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30319] ConnectionResetError: [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer in socket.close on FreeBSD, Py 3.6

2017-06-30 Thread Martin Panter
Changes by Martin Panter : -- dependencies: +test_threading_handled() of test_socketserver hangs randomly on AMD64 FreeBSD 10.x Shared 3.6, test_threading_not_handled() of test_socketserver hangs randomly on AMD64 FreeBSD 10.x Shared 3.6

[issue30741] https://www.pypi-mirrors.org/ error 503

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: This doesn't appear to be a Python issue. If necessary, suggest follow up with either pip or the PyPA packaging-problems issue tracker: https://github.com/pypa/packaging-problems/issues -- nosy: +ned.deily resolution: -> third party stage: -> resolved

[issue30739] pypi ssl errors [CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: It looks like there was a certificate validation error when pip tried to make a TLS (https) connection. If you are still having problems, suggest you check the pip issue tracker and, if needed, ask for help over there. https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues

[issue30714] test_ssl fails with openssl 1.1.0f

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: Sorry for the delay. It's clear this needs to get fixed so there's no need to wait to merge PRs into 3.6, 3.5, and 2.7. If the PR gets merged into 3.6 soon, I'll pull it into 3.6.2 as well. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue30686] make `make install` faster

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Changes by Ned Deily : -- nosy: +ned.deily ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue30623] python-nightly import numpy fails since recently

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Changes by Ned Deily : -- resolution: -> fixed stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread Martin Panter
Martin Panter added the comment: Don’t let my minus sign suggestion stop this, especially since a couple other people said they don’t like it. The current pull request proposal is beneficial without it. Isn’t there a “Unicode writer” API that could be used? Maybe that’s another alternative

[issue27945] Various segfaults with dict

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: Since Serhiy created backport PRs for 3.4 and 3.3, I'm reopening the issue and marking it as Release Blocker (for those releases) so we don't lose track of them and agree they meet the criteria for security-fix-only releases. -- nosy: +benjamin.peterson,

[issue30822] Python implementation of datetime module is not being tested correctly.

2017-06-30 Thread Utkarsh Upadhyay
New submission from Utkarsh Upadhyay: While investigating http://bugs.python.org/issue30302 it was discovered that the Python implementation of the datetime module was not being tested correctly. The datetimetester.py was supposed to execute tests twice, once for the _Fast implementation

[issue30448] test_subprocess creates a core dump on FreeBSD

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: macOS 2.7 buildbots are back. All known bugs are fixed, I close the issue. -- resolution: -> fixed stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6 ___ Python tracker

[issue30448] test_subprocess creates a core dump on FreeBSD

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: New changeset fd93f37f0dc537eb7edca7b75e2f92ef54dd2833 by Victor Stinner in branch '2.7': bpo-30448: Fix support.SuppressCrashReport on macOS (#2515) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/fd93f37f0dc537eb7edca7b75e2f92ef54dd2833 --

[issue30809] IDLE parenmatch - highlighting options

2017-06-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Since configdialog code is being re-written, I would not want to write code right now. But we could start planning. -- dependencies: +IDLE: turn builting extensions into regular modules ___ Python tracker

[issue27099] IDLE: turn builting extensions into regular modules

2017-06-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: This has to wait for at least some of the refactoring and increased testing of configdialog, and maybe for the switch to ttk. -- dependencies: +IDLE: configdialog - add tests for ConfigDialog GUI., IDLE: configdialog -- factor out Changes class, IDLE:

[issue27099] IDLE: turn builting extensions into regular modules

2017-06-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: I am thinking that we should maybe add an 'Editor' tab. Or we could expand the dialog box. More room on General tab can be obtained by removing the label frames, or at least the labels, which seem a bit redundant. -- versions: +Python 3.7

[issue30730] [security] Injecting environment variable in subprocess on Windows

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Ned Deily added the comment: Steve, Paul: any comments on the severity of this issue and the pushed fixes? -- nosy: +benjamin.peterson, larry, ned.deily priority: normal -> release blocker ___ Python tracker

[issue30803] Truth value of sets not properly documented

2017-06-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: 1. You have to go to your profile page https://bugs.python.org/user26480 and add your GitHub name in the GitHub Name box. 2. A committer has to change the labels to trigger the robot to recheck. I did that but it did not work because of 1. As I said in my

[issue30795] OS X failures in test_site

2017-06-30 Thread Ned Deily
Changes by Ned Deily : -- resolution: -> duplicate stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed superseder: -> site.py imports relatively large `sysconfig` module. ___ Python tracker

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread Utkarsh Upadhyay
Utkarsh Upadhyay added the comment: So, as a compromise, I'll stick to PyObjects (avoiding char* and the buffer size calculations) but will use PyUnicode all the way instead using PyList_* functions (thus reducing the size of the code by ~20 lines). I've pushed this change, ready for review!

[issue30809] IDLE parenmatch - highlighting options

2017-06-30 Thread Charles Wohlganger
Charles Wohlganger added the comment: Implimenting #27099 seems the more reasonable solution to me, so I'll work on that when I have free time. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue30791] tkinter.Tk() adds suffix to window class name when launching multiple instances

2017-06-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: > tkinter has added a #2 I think you yourself proved otherwise. Additional evidence is that ' #2' is not added on Windows. I have 3 windows titled 'myApp' stacked behind my installed python/IDLE icon. root.winfo_class() returns the class name capitalized, but

[issue30764] regrtest: Add --fail-env-changed option

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- pull_requests: +2589 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: Serhiy: "The C code looks cumbersome. It could be made a little simpler if accumulate arguments into a string rather than a list." Utkarsh's first version used C code. I proposed to use a PyList and PyUnicodeObject strings to not have to compute the size of

[issue11975] Fix referencing of built-in types (list, int, ...)

2017-06-30 Thread Roundup Robot
Changes by Roundup Robot : -- pull_requests: +2588 ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30814] Import dotted name as alias breaks with concurrency

2017-06-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Changes by Serhiy Storchaka : -- components: +Interpreter Core nosy: +brett.cannon, eric.snow, ncoghlan, serhiy.storchaka type: -> behavior ___ Python tracker

[issue30809] IDLE parenmatch - highlighting options

2017-06-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: There is another option. I want to incorporate 'builtin extensions' as regular features (#27099), and move their configuration options to other tabs, which will need some reworking. #22705 will then be less urgent. Selection from a finite set will then be

[issue30809] IDLE parenmatch - highlighting options

2017-06-30 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: As far as you want to go with 1. Review the uploaded patch here or on Rietveld (see review link). Or skip this if you make PR and review on github. 2. Download code, makes minimal changes needed to succeed with 'git apply download' in new branch. 3. git

[issue11975] Fix referencing of built-in types (list, int, ...)

2017-06-30 Thread Roundup Robot
Changes by Roundup Robot : -- pull_requests: +2587 ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Serhiy Storchaka added the comment: Don't wait me. I have no preferences and just remind about the Martin's suggestion. The C code looks cumbersome. It could be made a little simpler if accumulate arguments into a string rather than a list. if (GET_TD_SECONDS(self) != 0) {

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread Utkarsh Upadhyay
Utkarsh Upadhyay added the comment: The docstring changes ought to be easier to review since I'll only be making the Python and C docstrings mostly identical (with some minor changes here and there). I'll also (hopefully) need fewer pointers now that I've been through one review process

[issue30820] email.contentmanager.raw_data_manager fails to create multipart messages

2017-06-30 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: We should fix the docs for 3.5 and 3.6, and open an enhancement request for 3.7 if we still think this feature is a good idea. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: If the docstring changes incorporate changes from this PR, I'd keep them in a single PR myself. If not, two PRs would make review easier. On the other hand, if haypo is volunteering to do the review, do whatever he wants :) --

[issue30804] bolen-dmg-3.x build-installer.py failed

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: New changeset 5e742fa922ea70131b4c63451c87cf0347532806 by Victor Stinner (INADA Naoki) in branch 'master': bpo-30804: fix macOS build with framework enabled. (#2516) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/5e742fa922ea70131b4c63451c87cf0347532806 --

[issue30804] bolen-dmg-3.x build-installer.py failed

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: Naoki: "How about adding --enable-framework on mac environment of Traivs?" I like the idea. Can you please propose a PR? -- ___ Python tracker

[issue5004] socket.getfqdn() doesn't cope properly with purely DNS-based setups

2017-06-30 Thread James Shewey
James Shewey added the comment: According to the man page for gethostbyaddr "The gethostbyname*() and gethostbyaddr*() functions are obsolete. Applications should use getaddrinfo(3) and getnameinfo(3) instead." - so perhaps using the correct API call might be a good start to resolving this

[issue30821] unittest.mock.Mocks with specs aren't aware of default arguments

2017-06-30 Thread Max Rothman
Max Rothman added the comment: I'd be happy to look at submitting a patch for this, but it'd be helpful to be able to ask questions of someone more familiar with unittest.mock's code. -- ___ Python tracker

[issue30821] unittest.mock.Mocks with specs aren't aware of default arguments

2017-06-30 Thread Max Rothman
New submission from Max Rothman: For a function f with the signature f(foo=None), the following three calls are equivalent: f(None) f(foo=None) f() However, only the first two are equivalent in the eyes of unittest.mock.Mock.assert_called_with: >>> with patch('__main__.f', autospec=True) as

[issue30819] Linking with 'ld -b' fails with 64-bit using Itanium HP compiler

2017-06-30 Thread Robert Boehne
New submission from Robert Boehne: Setting compiler flags to +DD64 produces 64-bit objects, but the linker does not understand this flag, so either you'll see an ld failure to recognize +DD64 at link time, or you'll see a failure later mixing 32 and 64-bit objects. I also modified the C++

[issue30811] A venv created and activated from within a virtualenv uses the outer virtualenv's site-packages rather than its own.

2017-06-30 Thread Antony Lee
Antony Lee added the comment: Sorry, that was a sloppy report. This is a better repro: $ export PIP_CONFIG_FILE=/dev/null # just to be sure python -mvirtualenv outer-env # using /usr/bin/python(3) source outer-env/bin/activate python -mvenv inner-env # using outer-env's python source

[issue30820] email.contentmanager.raw_data_manager fails to create multipart messages

2017-06-30 Thread Anton Khirnov
New submission from Anton Khirnov: The documentation for the "new API" -- email.contentmanager.raw_data_manager -- claims that passing a list of messages to set_content() will create a multipart message. However, it fails with "KeyError: 'builtins.list'" and from looking at the code it seems

[issue30819] Linking with 'ld -b' fails with 64-bit using HP compiler

2017-06-30 Thread Robert Boehne
Changes by Robert Boehne : -- components: Build nosy: Robert Boehne priority: normal severity: normal status: open title: Linking with 'ld -b' fails with 64-bit using HP compiler type: compile error versions: Python 3.7 ___ Python

[issue11798] Test cases not garbage collected after run

2017-06-30 Thread Guido van Rossum
Changes by Guido van Rossum : -- nosy: -gvanrossum ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread Utkarsh Upadhyay
Utkarsh Upadhyay added the comment: @r.david.murray: I'm primarily waiting for Serhiy (and, optionally Martin) to "Okay" the pull request. The code seems fine (@haypo has had a through look at it), but we still were mildly divided over whether we want to factor out the negative sign or not.

[issue30804] bolen-dmg-3.x build-installer.py failed

2017-06-30 Thread INADA Naoki
INADA Naoki added the comment: Sorry, It seems I failed to merge local patch. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30183] [HPUX] compilation error in pytime.c with cc compiler

2017-06-30 Thread Robert Boehne
Robert Boehne added the comment: I am having trouble getting things build still. The problem is that the build is using a naked "ld" to link, and it is picking 32-bit mode by default in my 64-bit acc build. (Itanium) IMO the problem is configure.ac:2467 which should look more like the gcc

[issue30804] bolen-dmg-3.x build-installer.py failed

2017-06-30 Thread INADA Naoki
Changes by INADA Naoki : -- pull_requests: +2586 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30787] Please add a comprehensive index of decorators to the documentation.

2017-06-30 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: And thanks for at least bringing the idea forward, Tom. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30787] Please add a comprehensive index of decorators to the documentation.

2017-06-30 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: Both staticmethod and contextmanager are in the index under "S" and "C". But if you mean they were hard to discover, having them under a list of decorators wouldn't have necessarily helped since, as we pointed out, you may get misled to look for a decorator

[issue30796] Failures/crashes in test_signal on some buildbots

2017-06-30 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Changes by Antoine Pitrou : -- resolution: -> fixed stage: commit review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30302] Improve .__repr__ implementation for datetime.timedelta

2017-06-30 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: I'm not entirely sure what you are asking for opinions on, but for what it is worth I'm with Haypo: the repr should show the *actual* value of the attributes. -- nosy: +r.david.murray ___ Python tracker

[issue30818] Warning -- asyncore.socket_map was modified by test_ftplib on AMD64 FreeBSD 10.x Shared 3.x

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: New changeset 73528640ffd872141e126d2c4a103126055ec9ce by Victor Stinner in branch 'master': bpo-30818: test_ftplib calls asyncore.close_all() (#2514) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/73528640ffd872141e126d2c4a103126055ec9ce --

[issue30391] test_threading_handled() of test_socketserver hangs randomly on AMD64 FreeBSD 10.x Shared 3.6

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: http://buildbot.python.org/all/builders/AMD64%20FreeBSD%2010.x%20Shared%203.x/builds/525/steps/test/logs/stdio 0:16:07 load avg: 0.35 [406/406/1] test_socketserver crashed (Exit code 1) Timeout (0:15:00)! Thread 0x000802006400 (most recent call first):

[issue29512] regrtest refleak: implement bisection feature

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: New changeset a3ca94d0504157a112a1f89bfe8be1307116fc73 by Victor Stinner in branch '3.6': [3.6] bpo-29512, bpo-30776: Backport regrtest enhancements from master to 3.6 (#2513) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/a3ca94d0504157a112a1f89bfe8be1307116fc73

[issue30776] regrtest: change -R/--huntrleaks rule to decide if a test leaks references

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: New changeset a3ca94d0504157a112a1f89bfe8be1307116fc73 by Victor Stinner in branch '3.6': [3.6] bpo-29512, bpo-30776: Backport regrtest enhancements from master to 3.6 (#2513) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/a3ca94d0504157a112a1f89bfe8be1307116fc73

[issue30448] test_subprocess creates a core dump on FreeBSD

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- pull_requests: +2585 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30787] Please add a comprehensive index of decorators to the documentation.

2017-06-30 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: Hmm. All the dunder methods are listed in the index on the '_' page. It would kind of be consistent to have an '@' page. Not sure what would be needed to make that happen though (might be a sphinx level thing). -- nosy: +r.david.murray

[issue30703] Non-reentrant signal handler (test_multiprocessing_forkserver hangs)

2017-06-30 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: Thanks for running such a lengthy test, Matt :-) -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30804] bolen-dmg-3.x build-installer.py failed

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- nosy: +inada.naoki ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30280] Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_asyncio on FreeBSD 9 and 10

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: New changeset 23caf8cfc6c52bdedd8e8db688d807530355fd6d by Victor Stinner in branch '3.6': bpo-30280: Cleanup threads in ayncio tests (#2501) (#2511) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/23caf8cfc6c52bdedd8e8db688d807530355fd6d --

[issue30280] Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_asyncio on FreeBSD 9 and 10

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- resolution: -> fixed stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30818] Warning -- asyncore.socket_map was modified by test_ftplib on AMD64 FreeBSD 10.x Shared 3.x

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- pull_requests: +2584 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30280] Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_asyncio on FreeBSD 9 and 10

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: New changeset 0e0bc8762570277147a09278c829e4a85a331596 by Victor Stinner in branch '3.5': bpo-30280: Cleanup threads in ayncio tests (#2501) (#2512) https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/0e0bc8762570277147a09278c829e4a85a331596 --

[issue30776] regrtest: change -R/--huntrleaks rule to decide if a test leaks references

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- pull_requests: +2583 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue29512] regrtest refleak: implement bisection feature

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- pull_requests: +2582 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30818] Warning -- asyncore.socket_map was modified by test_ftplib on AMD64 FreeBSD 10.x Shared 3.x

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
New submission from STINNER Victor: http://buildbot.python.org/all/builders/AMD64%20FreeBSD%2010.x%20Shared%203.x/builds/524/steps/test/logs/stdio test_with_statement (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClassMixin) ... ok test_auth_issued_twice (test.test_ftplib.TestTLS_FTPClass) ... ok test_auth_ssl

[issue30280] Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_asyncio on FreeBSD 9 and 10

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- pull_requests: +2581 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30280] Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_asyncio on FreeBSD 9 and 10

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- pull_requests: +2580 ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue30817] Abort in PyErr_PrintEx() when no memory

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: pyerr_printex.patch LGTM, please convert it to a GitHub PR. -- nosy: +haypo ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30703] Non-reentrant signal handler (test_multiprocessing_forkserver hangs)

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: I concur with Matt: nice job Antoine, thanks for making Python more reliable ;-) -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30816] test_open() of test_eintr timeout after 10 min

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
New submission from STINNER Victor: http://buildbot.python.org/all/builders/x86-64%20El%20Capitan%203.x/builds/413/steps/test/logs/stdio 0:32:36 load avg: 1.58 [328/406/1] test_eintr failed test_all (test.test_eintr.EINTRTests) ... FAIL

[issue30183] [HPUX] compilation error in pytime.c with cc compiler

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: > I'd love to have this fix backported to 3.5 and 3.6. It seems trivial to do, > and I'd be happy to do it myself. Go ahead :-) -- ___ Python tracker

[issue30817] Abort in PyErr_PrintEx() when no memory

2017-06-30 Thread Xavier de Gaye
Xavier de Gaye added the comment: With pyerr_printex.patch we get the following correct results (rc=120 is set by Py_Main() after Py_FinalizeEx() returns with an error): $ ./python memerr.py 5 12 set_nomemory(0, 5) result = _PythonRunResult(rc=1, out=b'', err=b'MemoryError\n\nDuring handling

[issue30183] [HPUX] compilation error in pytime.c with cc compiler

2017-06-30 Thread Robert Boehne
Robert Boehne added the comment: I'd love to have this fix backported to 3.5 and 3.6. It seems trivial to do, and I'd be happy to do it myself. -- nosy: +Robert Boehne ___ Python tracker

[issue30183] [HPUX] compilation error in pytime.c with cc compiler

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: Can someone please give the list of failing tests of the Python master branch on HP-UX? -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30695] add a nomemory_allocator to the _testcapi module

2017-06-30 Thread Xavier de Gaye
Xavier de Gaye added the comment: > Oh, I'm curious about that one :-) This is issue 30817. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30817] Abort in PyErr_PrintEx() when no memory

2017-06-30 Thread Xavier de Gaye
New submission from Xavier de Gaye: To reproduce the abort (the set_nomemory() function is being added to _testcapi in issue 30695): $ ./python memerr.py python: Objects/call.c:89: _PyObject_FastCallDict: Assertion `!PyErr_Occurred()' failed. Aborted (core dumped) The corresponding

[issue30816] test_open() of test_eintr timeout after 10 min on "x86-64 El Capitan 3.x"

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
Changes by STINNER Victor : -- title: test_open() of test_eintr timeout after 10 min -> test_open() of test_eintr timeout after 10 min on "x86-64 El Capitan 3.x" ___ Python tracker

[issue30703] Non-reentrant signal handler (test_multiprocessing_forkserver hangs)

2017-06-30 Thread Matt Billenstein
Matt Billenstein added the comment: Verified this by letting the test_many_processes loop overnight (master@42bc8beadd49)-- 34k passes later and no hangs. Nice work! -- ___ Python tracker

[issue30809] IDLE parenmatch - highlighting options

2017-06-30 Thread Charles Wohlganger
Charles Wohlganger added the comment: The pull request has been changed to only have the theme element able to be selected. #22705 hasn't had activity in a few years. Is there something I can do to move it along? -- ___ Python tracker

[issue13821] misleading return from isidentifier

2017-06-30 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: See also issue 30772 about the deeper problem. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue30815] StringIO uses inefficient PyUnicode_AsUCS4

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: "FYI, https://github.com/python/performance/pull/27 will fix performance regression. Python 3 performance is similar to Python 2 after s/warn/warning/" I was surprised to see that Logger.warn() is slower than Logger.warning()! It is because warn() emits a

[issue30815] StringIO uses inefficient PyUnicode_AsUCS4

2017-06-30 Thread Bhavishya
Bhavishya added the comment: I'm running archlinux(on mac...not very confident of my system though I tried cpu isolation with "isolcpus") so if please anyone else also can run itand confirm if it actually helps. Thanks. On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 7:03 PM, INADA Naoki

[issue30815] StringIO uses inefficient PyUnicode_AsUCS4

2017-06-30 Thread INADA Naoki
INADA Naoki added the comment: FYI, https://github.com/python/performance/pull/27 will fix performance regression. Python 3 performance is similar to Python 2 after s/warn/warning/ -- ___ Python tracker

[issue30815] StringIO uses inefficient PyUnicode_AsUCS4

2017-06-30 Thread STINNER Victor
STINNER Victor added the comment: > I rewrote my old benchmarks using the new perf module API: bench_stringio3.py. WTF? The file is not attached to this issue, but I removed it locally :-( It seems like Roundup cleared the file field of this form when I got a conflict when I wanted to post my

[issue30815] StringIO uses inefficient PyUnicode_AsUCS4

2017-06-30 Thread INADA Naoki
INADA Naoki added the comment: I'm sorry, it's my mistake. I used vmprof on mac and I thought as_ucs4 is bottleneck. But vmprof on Linux (and perf) shows totally different result. Maybe, current vmprof doesn't work well for native code on macOS. -- resolution: -> not a bug stage: ->

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