Cameron Mckain added the comment:
See this here:
Python tracker
Cameron Mckain added the comment:
No, my PyCharm issue has not been responded to by any of their people. Here is
the link:
Also, I have uploaded a screenshot of VS's debugging of the crash if it will be
Added file:
Cameron Mckain added the comment:
The problem was fixed after updating to Django 1.11; apparently, Django 1.10 is
not fully compatible with Python 3.6. Thanks for your time.
resolution: -> out of date
stage: -> resolved
status: open -&g
Cameron Mckain added the comment:
C:\Users\cmcka\PycharmProjects\test>wevtutil qe application /rd:true /c:1
/format:text /q:"*[System[Provider[@Name='Application
Log Name: App
Changes by Cameron Mckain :
type: -> crash
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Cameron Mckain:
Almost every time I attempt to run my Django server ("python
runserver") from PyCharm, python.exe crashes with the error "Unhandled
exception at 0x7647BD9E (ucrtbase.dll) in python.exe: 0xC005: Access
violation reading loca