Christian Hudon added the comment:
As a newbie to the CPython source code (and as someone who started working on
this bug because it was on the lists of easy bugs for PyCon 2014), I don't have
a strong attachment either way, as long as some kind of decision is reached,
and I can check
Christian Hudon added the comment:
Updated patch to work with current state of repository. Tests still pass
(including the new ones).
Added file:
Python tracker
Christian Hudon added the comment:
Here is the (first?) complete version of the patch. All tests pass. Note that I
had to remove a test that was checking that the object returned from
staticmethod was not callable.
Let me know if I should add more tests, or if there are any other problems
Christian Hudon added the comment:
Work in progress for fixing this bug. (See descr_v1.diff) I converted the
"" file into additional testcases. I started writing the functions
for the tp_call slots for class and static methods.
To do: add tests to make sure that the code
Christian Hudon added the comment:
Second revision, incorporating comments. Also document the behavior when passed
an empty input iterable.
Added file:
Python tracker
Christian Hudon added the comment:
Actually, the only optparse test failing on jython 2.7 beta 1 currently is the
one that relies on sys.getrefcount. Adding a test_support.impl_detail() guard
makes all the tests pass. (See attached patch.)
I'd propose adding this patch to both the python
Christian Hudon added the comment:
I'll use Jython 2.7. The Jython people can backport the fix to 2.5.4, if they
want it there too.
So... this is marked as related to Python 3.2, but Jython is on Python 2 of
course. I'll just take the version as being wrong. So, what should the p
Christian Hudon added the comment:
I get the same traceback. The traceback happens only when the window is shrunk
below the size specified in derwin(). It's easy to see this by changing the
first and second arguments to the derwin call to something like 2, 2, and then
you can resiz
Christian Hudon added the comment:
Which version of Jython should I concentrate on to make these tests pass? The
2.5.4 release candidate, or the 2.7 beta?
nosy: +chrish42
Python tracker
Christian Hudon added the comment:
The following patch improves (I hope) the documentation of
itertools.accumulate. Comments and feedback welcome.
Terry, I did not implement your suggestion of changing "returns" to "yields",
as it would have made things inconsistent wi
Christian Hudon added the comment:
As far as I can see, this is now tested by the following tests in test_runpy:
(These new tests were in
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