[issue24603] New update of OpenSSL

2015-07-10 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: The developers of OpenSSL have published a new update. It fixes a bug marked as severe (https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20150709.txt). It seems that we are using a vulnerable version. Could someone who knows the relevant files' loca

[issue23139] syntax diagram after EBNF description?

2014-12-31 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: In our full grammar specification (10th chapter of the language reference, https://docs.python.org/3/reference/grammar.html), the grammar of Python is comprehensively notated. What would you think of adding a picture with an equivalent syntax

[issue22950] ASLR and DEP protection

2014-11-26 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: Are all binary files of a Python installation protected with techniques like Adress Space Layout Randomization and Data Execution Prevention? How can someone check this with an PE Editor or something similar? I know that this seems not to be

[issue22743] Specify supported XML version

2014-10-27 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: The W3C has published two versions of the standard specification for the Extensible Markup Language (XML) [version 1.0 and 1.1]. I know that the W3C expects all parsers to understand both versions. I propose to state here (https

[issue22558] Missing hint to source code - complete

2014-10-05 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld added the comment: I decremented the shown number of modules by 25. Here is the new list: https://docs.python.org/3/library/base64.html https://docs.python.org/3/library/binhex.html https://docs.python.org/3/library/bz2.html https://docs.python.org/3/library

[issue22558] Missing hint to source code - complete

2014-10-05 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: As mentioned in Issue22528, in some modules´ documentation, the link to their source code is missing. To check the stdlib, I´ve written the script missing_hint.py. It seems that in the following module entries, there aren´t a link to their

[issue1284316] Win32: Security problem with default installation directory

2014-10-04 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld added the comment: As mentioned before, many packages can not handle paths with spaces. I suppose that it is because of lacking knowledge on how to prevent such bugs. What would you think? Should this piece of information be in our documentation? Or is it already

[issue22528] Missing hint to source code

2014-10-01 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld added the comment: Excuse me, but it would be nice to fix the documentation of the modules symtable and compileall too. Thanks. -- resolution: fixed -> status: closed -> open ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.p

[issue22529] Why copyright only 1990-2013 and not 2014

2014-09-30 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: In the legal statements (https://www.python.org/about/legal) you can read the following sentence: "[...] the contents of this website are copyright © 1990-2013, Python Software Foundation, [...]". Why is the year 2014 not covered? T

[issue22528] Missing hint to source code

2014-09-30 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: Nearly every module entry in the documentation has a headline with the pattern , followed (in the second line) by . In the entry concerning pdb (https://docs.python.org/3/library/pdb.html), there is no hint where the source code is located

[issue22514] incomplete programming example on python.org

2014-09-29 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: When I open www.python.org, there are some examples to demonstrate the "look and feel" of Python. I´ve tested an example (example number 1). Online, the following is shown: # Python 3: Fibonacci series up to n >>> def fib(n

[issue18397] Python with MinGW

2013-07-09 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld added the comment: I've installed the MSYS gawk Utility and configure succeeded (thank you!), but now make failed. Should I upload the entire log file or ony the error messages? -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30876/make_tes

[issue18397] Python with MinGW

2013-07-09 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld added the comment: @ Christian Heimes Thank you for your hint. Martin v. Löwis made an interesting commend, if his way succeed, it would be worth considering to make a paragraph in the devguide how to build Python with MinGW. The way Forward depends on the results

[issue18397] Python with MinGW

2013-07-07 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: I think, there are some users which are going to compile Python, but disagree with the restriction of Visual Studio (use only with account after 90 days). Should we provide makefiles to compile Python with MinGW (this could be easily done

[issue18253] make standard library PEP8 compliant

2013-06-18 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: The modules in the standard library aren´t PEP( compliant. I´ve written a script to change this. It uses autopep8.py (must be in the path) and is written for Windows users. -- components: Library (Lib) files: autopepframework.py

[issue18246] tkinter.Text() add a newline to the content - bug?

2013-06-17 Thread Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld
New submission from Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld: Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:06:53) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> from tkinter import* >>