New submission from Llelan D.:

Python v3.4.1 x64 on Windows 7 x64.

If the python installation directory is deleted, the installer can not remove, 
change, or repair the installation.

When I run the python-3.4.1.amd64.msi installer and choose Remove, it gives me 
a dialog saying a required file is missing about halfway through. It gives me 
no clue as to what this file is.

If I choose Repair, it gives me a dialog saying "The specified account already 
exists" about halfway through. Totally cryptic.

If I choose Change and either select that all features or no features will be 
installed, it gives me a dialog saying "The specified account already exists" 
about halfway through.

It turns out that the installer is relying on both files in the installation 
directory and a Windows Intaller key. If the required files are missing, the 
installer refuses to either remove or repair. If the Windows Installer key 
still exists, the installer refuses to re-install. When this key is removed, an 
install can then be done. To be safe, a remove should then be done to clear up 
any problems and then another clean install.

Both of these requirement violate good MSI practice. You are *NEVER* to use a 
Windows Installer key as an indication of the installed state because that list 
can be, and often is, easily corrupted. The installer should always be able to 
perform a complete repair and especially remove without requiring *ANY* 
installed files or registry keys.

This installer desperately needs a complete re-write. It should use its own key 
to indicate whether the application is installed but should not depend on it in 
case of a partially installed/removed state, should not require any installed 
file or registry key to fully repair or remove the application, should be able 
to re-install no matter the state of a previous installation, and should query 
the user if any information required is missing from the installation or 
registry. In other words, the normal MSI installer guidelines.

components: Installation
messages: 226291
nosy: LlelanD, steve.dower
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Windows installer can't recover partially installed state
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4

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