Mark A. Ziesemer added the comment:

Not sure what may have changed here over the past 3 years, but some current 

For _UnixSelectorEventLoop, "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 445, in 
select, fd_event_list = self._epoll.poll(timeout, max_ev), Python 3.5.3 (or 
3.6.1), Linux 4.10.0-19 x86_64 (or Cygwin 2.8.0):

2,147,483 is acceptable, 2,147,484 is not.  (Either side of 2**31/1000.)  With 
the seconds/milliseconds conversions, I suppose the previous testing here just 
didn't get this specific - but this is only 24.86 days, just ever so slightly 
above half of the "48 days" figure mentioned below.  So no, not even the 
"maximum timeout of 30 days" previously proposed would be sufficient - though 
the currently documented "one day" maximum is.

So if intending to use this as a serious scheduler, what to do?  I considered 
checking for values more than 86,400 (1 day) before scheduling - and if in 
excess, instead scheduling a proxy that would repeatedly reschedule the next 
interval as needed in < 1 day increments.  However, this would require some 
special handling of the asyncio.Handle's that are returned to cancel the 
callback - as a new handle would be required for each renewal.

It would seem that a better and simpler approach could simply be to ensure that 
a recurring "dummy" task (or heartbeat) is scheduled to run every 1 day or 
less.  As long as a another task is scheduled in the queue ahead of any tasks 
with "excessively long" delays, the longer delay will never be passed to poll() 
until it is reduced to within the smaller threshold.  I can do this within my 
own code - but this could maybe also be further considered to happen 
automagically within asyncio.  Am I missing any further considerations or 
gotchas here?

(See also:

nosy: +ziesemer

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