Change by Xie Jingyi :
title: code.interact() unexpected raises exception when there may be more code
-> code.interact() unexpectedly raises exception when there may be more code
Python tracker
Change by Xie Jingyi :
assignee: -> terry.reedy
components: +IDLE, Library (Lib)
nosy: +terry.reedy
Python tracker
New submission from Xie Jingyi :
In Python3.10.0a5, `code.interact()` will raise unexpected SyntaxError even if
there should be more code.
Python 3.10.0a5 (default, Feb 7 2021, 20:14:10)
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
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Change by Xie Jingyi :
nosy: hsfzxjy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: code.interact() unexpected raises exception when there may be more code
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10
Python tracker