Éric Araujo added the comment:
Michael, I don’t think your proposed change would be considered favorably:
importing .pyc or .pyo is well defined for CPython and the -O switch is really
required for .pyo. However you may be able to import them anyway without any
change to Python if you write
Michael Herrmann added the comment:
I need to use a third-party library that ships as a mixture of .pyc and .pyo
files. I found it a little surprising and inconvenient that I have to set the
-O flag just to read .pyo files. I don't mind whether .pyc or .pyo files are
being created during
Éric Araujo added the comment:
I would not suggest to rename a .pyo to .pyc, they have different promises (if
I can even say that, as they’re implementation details).
nosy: +eric.araujo
stage: -> needs patch
title: .pyo file cannot be imported -> .pyo file can't be imported unless