[issue1665206] Hangup when using cgitb in a thread while still in import

2009-04-01 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: So this issue -- as seems to happen to me at PyCon -- was deeper than I thought. cgitb was importing in functions so that was fixed (r70956 for 2.x, r70957 for 3.x). But I also found out that _warnings.c was also importing (r70965 for 2.x, r70966 for 3.x). But th

[issue1665206] Hangup when using cgitb in a thread while still in import

2009-03-31 Thread Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon added the comment: The freeze is occurring from cgitb importing from within the html function. That is hitting the import lock that is being held in bar. Moving the imports out of the functions to the top of the module should fix this. -- priority: normal -> low stage: ->

[issue1665206] Hangup when using cgitb in a thread while still in import

2009-02-10 Thread Daniel Diniz
Changes by Daniel Diniz : -- assignee: -> brett.cannon nosy: +brett.cannon versions: +Python 2.6 -Python 2.4 ___ Python tracker ___ ___