New submission from ppperry:

The following rather long code, reduced from the same example as issue30626, 
produces a SystemError:

import builtins
from importlib.machinery import PathFinder
import importlib
import sys
import _imp
from functools import partial
def copy_module(module):
    new = type(sys)(module.__name__)
    return new
_absent = object()
def new_exec(code, globals=_absent, locals=_absent, *, new_builtins):
    if globals == _absent:
        frame = sys._getframe(2)
        globals = frame.f_globals
        locals = frame.f_locals
    elif locals == _absent:
        locals = globals
    globals.setdefault("__builtins__", new_builtins);
    return exec(code, globals, locals)
dct["__builtins__"] = b = copy_module(builtins)
b.exec = partial(new_exec, new_builtins=b)
spec = PathFinder.find_spec("_bootstrap",importlib.__path__)
source_bootstrap = type(sys)("_bootstrap");
external_spec = PathFinder.find_spec("_bootstrap_external",importlib.__path__)
source_bootstrap_external = type(sys)("_bootstrap_external");
source_bootstrap.__name__ = "importlib._bootstrap";
source_bootstrap_external.__name__ = "importlib._bootstrap_external";
new_sys = copy_module(sys)
new_sys.path_importer_cache = {}
new_sys.path_hooks = []
new_sys.meta_path = []
new_sys.modules = {
for mod in new_sys.modules.values():
    mod.__builtins__ = b
b.__import__ = source_bootstrap.__import__
exec("import _pickle", dct)

components: Interpreter Core, Library (Lib)
messages: 297924
nosy: brett.cannon, eric.snow, ncoghlan, ppperry
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: `SystemError: <built-in function create_builtin> returned NULL without 
setting an  error` from imp.create_builtin
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6

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