[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2021-11-05 Thread Irit Katriel
Change by Irit Katriel : -- stage: -> resolved status: pending -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list U

[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2021-10-18 Thread Irit Katriel
Change by Irit Katriel : -- status: open -> pending ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://m

[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2021-10-18 Thread STINNER Victor
Change by STINNER Victor : -- nosy: -vstinner status: pending -> open ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsu

[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2021-10-17 Thread Irit Katriel
Irit Katriel added the comment: Is there anything left to do here? It seems hongweipeng's explanation and the link to the documentation pretty much cover it. -- nosy: +iritkatriel resolution: -> not a bug status: open -> pending ___ Python tracke

[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2018-09-29 Thread hongweipeng
hongweipeng added the comment: I think I know the reason. `c_wchar_p` corresponds to the string pointer `wchar_t *`.It's not a good idea to pass pointers between processes. As quoted from `multiprocessing` docs: Note Although it is possible to store a pointer in shared memory remember that

[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2018-09-29 Thread hongweipeng
hongweipeng added the comment: This problem seems to be support for str. import multiprocessing import ctypes def child_process_fun(share): share.value = 'bb' if __name__ == '__main__': share = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_wchar_p, 'aa') process = multiprocessing.Process(target

[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2018-09-29 Thread hongweipeng
Change by hongweipeng : -- nosy: +hongweipeng ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.py

[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2018-09-20 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan
Change by Karthikeyan Singaravelan : -- nosy: +xtreak ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https:/

[issue32291] Value error for string shared memory in multiprocessing

2017-12-12 Thread Marc Guetg
New submission from Marc Guetg : It seems like sharing a string over processes is not possible. #!/usr/bin/env python3 import multiprocessing import threading import ctypes def fun(share_c, share_s, set_c, set_s, name):