[issue33004] Shutil module functions could accept Path-like objects

2018-03-05 Thread Marco Rougeth
Marco Rougeth added the comment: You're right @josh.r! Thank you! -- resolution: -> duplicate stage: -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue33004] Shutil module functions could accept Path-like objects

2018-03-05 Thread Josh Rosenberg
Josh Rosenberg added the comment: I think this falls under the umbrella of #30235, which posits that Path-like objects should be supported by shutil (and includes notes on doc validation). -- nosy: +josh.r ___ Python tracker

[issue33004] Shutil module functions could accept Path-like objects

2018-03-05 Thread Marco Rougeth
New submission from Marco Rougeth : This is issue is to suggest an enhancement to the shutil module, I believe it's quiet similar to the issue32642. I was using shutil.copytree to copy some files around and I tried to pass Path-like objects as input but got the exception "TypeError: argument s