[issue42077] Some absolute domain name not work in urllib

2020-10-19 Thread Christian Heimes
Christian Heimes added the comment: SSLV3_ALERT_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE means that the server is responding with incorrect TLS data. That's usually the case when the port on the server is HTTP instead of HTTPS. It's also possible that the server does not like the SNI header (Server Name Indicatio

[issue42077] Some absolute domain name not work in urllib

2020-10-18 Thread Zheng SHAO
Change by Zheng SHAO : -- title: Some Absolute domain name not work in urllib -> Some absolute domain name not work in urllib ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue42077] Some Absolute domain name not work in urllib

2020-10-18 Thread Zheng SHAO
New submission from Zheng SHAO : ``` import ssl import urllib.request url_string = "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local./api/"; ctx = ssl._create_unverified_context() with urllib.request.urlopen(url_string, context=ctx) as f: f.read() ``` In running this sample code will got a f