[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-11 Thread Georg Brandl
Georg Brandl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Okay, removed that too in r63096. Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ Python-bugs-list mailin

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-11 Thread Humberto Diogenes
Humberto Diogenes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Georg, any special reason for not removing rfc822 references from test_mailbox? That section of the patch was not merged. Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> __

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-11 Thread Georg Brandl
Georg Brandl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: Removed the last rfc822 reference from 3k's mailbox.py in r63091. -- resolution: -> fixed status: open -> closed Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-11 Thread Humberto Diogenes
Humberto Diogenes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: > rfc822 is replaced by None in the patch here; is that safe to do? Yes. That's what mailbox documentation says: Parameter factory is a callable object that accepts a file-like message representation [...] and returns a custom representa

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-11 Thread Georg Brandl
Georg Brandl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I removed the old classes in 3k. There remains one usage of rfc822, as the default "factory" of Maildir. It's replaced by None in the patch here; is that safe to do? -- nosy: +georg.brandl Tracker <

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-11 Thread Humberto Diogenes
Changes by Humberto Diogenes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file10272/mailbox.py.patch2 Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-11 Thread Humberto Diogenes
Changes by Humberto Diogenes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file10279/mailbox-replace_rfc822.patch Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-10 Thread Humberto Diogenes
Humberto Diogenes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I created issue 2814 with a patch to remove those old classes. Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-10 Thread A.M. Kuchling
A.M. Kuchling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: I think removing those old classes in 3.0 would be very sensible. Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> __

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-05-10 Thread Humberto Diogenes
Humberto Diogenes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment: synx's patch wasn't applying cleanly and broke 2 maildir tests. I'm posting one with updated tests and documentation. Still need to get rid of rfc822 in test_mailbox, though. Question: mailbox.py has one section marked as "classes from t

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-01-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Changes by Christian Heimes: -- components: +Documentation, Library (Lib) -Extension Modules keywords: +easy versions: +Python 2.6, Python 3.0 -Python 2.3 Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> __

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2008-01-09 Thread A.M. Kuchling
Changes by A.M. Kuchling: -- assignee: barry -> akuchling Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe

[issue756982] mailbox should use email not rfc822

2007-11-27 Thread synx
synx added the comment: I dunno if this is helpful, but in the 2.5 module, it parses mailboxes into rfc822 messages, but then expects them to be email.Message messages when unparsing them back to a mailbox. mbox2.add(mbox1.popitem()[1]) fails with rfc822 as the default factory. Since the "factory