[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2010-05-19 Thread Martin v . Löwis
Martin v. Löwis added the comment: > Doesn't breaking installation of packages on a major platform warrant a > quicker release of a fix? No, only security-related issues may warrant a change to the release schedule. -- title: distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work o

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2010-05-19 Thread Greg Słodkowicz
Greg Słodkowicz added the comment: Doesn't breaking installation of packages on a major platform warrant a quicker release of a fix? -- nosy: +Greg.Slodkowicz ___ Python tracker ___

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2010-04-18 Thread Ronald Oussoren
Ronald Oussoren added the comment: I've fixed this issue in the repository earlier today, the installer for the next 3.1 release will include that fix. -- resolution: -> fixed stage: -> committed/rejected status: open -> closed type: -> behavior

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2009-12-27 Thread Ben Kaplan
Ben Kaplan added the comment: The issue here isn't with Macports (which doesn't do a universal build by default). It's with the installer on python.org which is also a universal binary. Macports has the advantage of knowing which OS version it's being compiled on so it should just require a pat

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2009-12-27 Thread Ronald Oussoren
Ronald Oussoren added the comment: I forgot to mention the workaround for the 3.1 release: reinstall XCode and make sure that you don't do the default install, but select the 10.4u SDK for installation as well. You may then run into linking issues, they only workaround for that is to patch t

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2009-12-27 Thread Ronald Oussoren
Ronald Oussoren added the comment: AFAIK This is already fixed in the repository. I don't have time to verify this right now, but will do so later this week (which is why I'm assigning the issue to myself) -- assignee: tarek -> ronaldoussoren ___

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2009-12-27 Thread Tarek Ziadé
Tarek Ziadé added the comment: This is happening because "./configure --enable-universalsdk" was used in MacPorts. In Python source, "/Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py" can be used to drive ./configure with another SDK (via --sdk-path) so maybe macports itself should use it as a pre-built ste

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2009-12-26 Thread Martin v . Löwis
Changes by Martin v. Löwis : -- nosy: +loewis ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2009-12-26 Thread Sridhar Ratnakumar
Changes by Sridhar Ratnakumar : -- nosy: +srid ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pytho

[issue7580] distutils makefile from python.org installer doesn't work on OS X Snow Leopard

2009-12-26 Thread Ben Kaplan
New submission from Ben Kaplan : Comes from this thread on comp.lang.python: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/e15915df2e9cdd9/ The Makefile for distutils in the Mac binary for Python 3.1 specifies the use of the OS X 10.4u SDK. However, XCode only includes the