[issue805194] Inappropriate error received using socket timeout

2010-08-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: I'm not sure in what way the error is inappropriate. Python simply propagates whatever errno the C library sets on failure. As for the comment that connect() shouldn't be called twice, this was fixed in 2.6 by r60101. -- nosy: +pitrou resolution: ->

[issue805194] Inappropriate error received using socket timeout

2010-08-18 Thread Mark Lawrence
Mark Lawrence added the comment: I've tried reproducing this on Windows Vista but sorry I can't make any sense out of it. I've assumed that a unit test can be based around code given in msg18142. -- components: +Library (Lib) -Windows nosy: +BreamoreBoy stage: -> needs patch title:

[issue805194] Inappropriate error received using socket timeout on Windows.

2009-02-14 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
Changes by Jean-Paul Calderone : -- nosy: -exarkun ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mai

[issue805194] Inappropriate error received using socket timeout on Windows.

2009-02-14 Thread Daniel Diniz
Changes by Daniel Diniz : -- title: Inappropriate error received using socket timeout -> Inappropriate error received using socket timeout on Windows. type: -> behavior versions: +Python 2.6 -Python 2.3 ___ Python tracker

[issue805194] Inappropriate error received using socket timeout

2007-10-25 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
Jean-Paul Calderone added the comment: The APR comment is indeed correct, so this is probably a Python bug. -- nosy: +exarkun Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> __