Re: [Python-Dev] mingw support?

2010-08-07 Thread Greg Ewing
Nick Coghlan wrote: This used to be more of an issue because MS didn't provide a decent free compiler for their platform. These days (since the release of Visual Studio Express), we expect that people willing to use (or support) a closed OS can cope with also using the free-as-in-beer closed

[Python-Dev] Adding a token

2010-08-07 Thread Greg Ewing
I'm trying to add a '?' token to the parser, and weird things are happening. I've added a #define to token.h, an entry to _PyParser_TokenNames in tokenizer.c and case for it in PyToken_OneChar(). But it's behaving as though the tokenizer is not recognising my token. I put in some printfs to

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding a token

2010-08-07 Thread Greg Ewing
Benjamin Peterson wrote: Why do you even have to add a new token? You can just put the literal '?' in the grammar. I don't see how that can be sufficient. All the other tokens have entries in the three places I mentioned, and there's no way that pgen can generate those automatically just from

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding a token

2010-08-07 Thread Greg Ewing
Aaargh, I think I've found out what the problem is. I'm using framework builds on MacOSX. I have two experimental builds of Python 3.1 around, plus a standard one installed in /Library. It's picking up the version of Python.framework in /Library/Frameworks instead of the one in the local build

Re: [Python-Dev] barry_as_FLUFL

2010-08-05 Thread Greg Ewing
Barry Warsaw wrote: Wait. It's a joke?! Probably, but it's also useful behaviour -- I hope it stays! (Not that I would ever presume to use it in any code inflicted on anyone else, but it's nice to know I have a choice in the privacy of my own computer.) Heil-the-FLUFl-ly, Greg

Re: [Python-Dev] Drive suffix

2010-08-04 Thread Greg Ewing
James Mills wrote: Windows is one of the only Operating Systems with a File system that reuiqres this [A-Z]:\ syntax. There's also VMS, but it uses a colon too. Also its pathnames are funky enough in other ways that it needs its own os-specific pathname routines. I'm not aware of any system

Re: [Python-Dev] co_firstlineno on decorated functions

2010-08-03 Thread Greg Ewing
Guido van Rossum wrote: What are the use cases for co_firstlineno? Even if it is for displaying the source code, I can find virtue for both sides of this argument. Seems to me that if the code is being displayed to a human, the decorators are an important thing to know about, so including

Re: [Python-Dev] proto-pep: plugin proposal (for unittest)

2010-08-02 Thread Greg Ewing
Glyph Lefkowitz wrote: I'd say that since ~/Library/Python is already used, there's no particular reason to add a new ~/Library/Preferences/Python location. I think the reason for separating out Preferences is so that you can install a new version of a library or application without losing

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception chaining and generator finalisation

2010-08-01 Thread Greg Ewing
Antoine Pitrou wrote: It only happens if you call close() explicitly: Well, that's only because the exception is being ignored and you're not getting a traceback at all. If you arrange to get a traceback, the same thing happens. import traceback as tb def g(): try: try:

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception chaining and generator finalisation

2010-08-01 Thread Greg Ewing
Nick Coghlan wrote: A toy example, that isn't obviously broken at first glance, but in fact fails when close() is called: Okay, you've convinced me. I'll consider it to be correct behaviour and update my expected yield-from test results accordingly. -- Greg

[Python-Dev] Yield-From Implementation Updated for Python 3

2010-08-01 Thread Greg Ewing
I have updated my prototype yield-from implementation to work with Python 3.1.2. I've also fixed a small bug that was affecting one of the corner cases concerning exceptions thrown into a subgenerator. Interested parties can obtain it here:

Re: [Python-Dev] Is it intentional that sys.__debug__ = 1 is illegal in Python 2.7?

2010-07-31 Thread Greg Ewing
Barry Warsaw wrote: I've always understood the rules on double-underscore names to mean that Python reserves the use of those names for its own purposes, and is free to break your code if you define your own. That's very different than saying it's forbidden to use double-underscore names for

[Python-Dev] Exception chaining and generator finalisation

2010-07-31 Thread Greg Ewing
While updating my yield-from impementation for Python 3.1.2, I came across a quirk in the way that the new exception chaining feature interacts with generators. If you close() a generator, and it raises an exception inside a finally clause, you get a double-barrelled traceback that first reports

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception chaining and generator finalisation

2010-07-31 Thread Greg Ewing
Nick Coghlan wrote: I don't see it as an implementation detail - it's part of the spec of generator finalisation in PEP 342 It doesn't seem like something you need to know in this situation, though. All it tells you is that the finalisation is happening because the generator is being closed

Re: [Python-Dev] mkdir -p in python

2010-07-28 Thread Greg Ewing
Hrvoje Niksic wrote: mktree would only create a single branch, not an entire tree. Maybe mkbranch, then? -- Greg ___ Python-Dev mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL musings (was Re: Thoughts fresh after EuroPython)

2010-07-28 Thread Greg Ewing
On 28/07/10 23:12, Antoine Pitrou wrote: It should be noted, though, that a full GC can be detrimental to real-time applications. Kristján has already explained how some of his software disabled the cyclic GC, and took care of breaking cycles manually instead. This worries me, too. I'd be

Re: [Python-Dev] marking os.system() as deprecated in the docs

2010-07-27 Thread Greg Ewing
Guido van Rossum wrote: Unless, it's as simple as replacing os.system(x) with subprocess.system(x), I'm against this removal of a handy shorthand. Also, seeing as it's a well-known C library facility, and Python likes to provide thin wrappers around the C library wherever reasonable, its lack

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts fresh after EuroPython

2010-07-27 Thread Greg Ewing
Terry Reedy wrote: Should CPython be optimized for 1, 2, 3, or 4 or more cores? The answer to this is obviously changing. I will soon replace a single core with a 4/6 core machine, I don't think you can answer that just by considering the average number of cores in a CPU. Even if my CPU has 4

Re: [Python-Dev] Readability of hex strings (Was: Use of coding cookie in 3.x stdlib)

2010-07-27 Thread Greg Ewing
anatoly techtonik wrote: I wonder if it is possible to introduce an effective binary string type that will be represented as hXX XX XX in language syntax? Rather than a new type, maybe bytes objects could just have a bit indicating whether they were best thought of as containing characterish

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 - return value question and prototype implementation (was Thoughts fresh after EuroPython)

2010-07-25 Thread Greg Ewing
P.J. Eby wrote: I would like to reiterate (no pun intended) the suggestion of a special syntactic form for the return Allowing a return value, but then having that value silently disappear, seems like it would delay ... learning If I remember correctly, all these arguments were made at

Re: [Python-Dev] Python signal processing question

2010-07-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Glyph Lefkowitz wrote: The selection of RuntimeError in this particular case seems somewhat random and ad-hoc, Indeed -- usually a RuntimeError indicates that something concerning the internals of Python itself is screwed up, e.g. attempting to execute invalid bytecode. The fact that it

Re: [Python-Dev] Set the namespace free!

2010-07-22 Thread Greg Ewing
On 23/07/10 04:24, wrote: I've suggested :name, which doesn't break old code, I'm not so sure about that. Consider foo[a::b] Do you parse that as a 3-element slice, or as a 2-element slice with :b as the second element? -- Greg

Re: [Python-Dev] mkdir -p in python

2010-07-21 Thread Greg Ewing
Ray Allen wrote: I think in this case, the errno is generate by c standard library, which can be seen as cross-platform. But I'm never sure how standard the actual error numbers are, though. I tend to think of them as coming from Unix-land, and thus fair game for getting screwed around with

Re: [Python-Dev] Python-dev signal-to-noise processing question

2010-07-21 Thread Greg Ewing
On 21/07/10 23:43, Martin v. Löwis wrote: IIUC, he wanted to know how Python handles SIGKILL, when the hole point of SIGKILL is that you cannot handle it. No, I think he wanted to know how Python disallows attempting to set a handler for SIGKILL, when he couldn't find any code that

Re: [Python-Dev] mkdir -p in python

2010-07-20 Thread Greg Ewing
岳帅杰 wrote: Sorry, I don't know what is the no constant arguments guideline refers to. Could you give me some more explanation? It's a rule of thumb that Guido says he uses when designing an API. If in the majority of use cases for a proposed function, one of its arguments would always be a

Re: [Python-Dev] mkdir -p in python

2010-07-20 Thread Greg Ewing
Steven D'Aprano wrote: Perhaps all we need is a recipe in the docs: try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: raise I don't like writing code that depends on particular errno values, because I don't trust it to work cross- platform. Also it seems suboptimal

Re: [Python-Dev] mkdir -p in python

2010-07-19 Thread Greg Ewing
Ray Allen wrote: I think both os.mkdir() and os.makedirs() should add a keyword argument to suppress the OSError: [Errno 17] File exists. This could be seen as violating the no constant arguments guideline. Maybe separate function would be better? -- Greg

Re: [Python-Dev] Python signal processing question

2010-07-19 Thread Greg Ewing
Scott McCarty wrote: All, I have searched everywhere (mostly the code and a little google) and I cannot understand where the SIGKILL signal gets checked when it is set as a handler. Possibly it's not being checked at all by Python, but is being rejected by the system call. The Darwin man page

Re: [Python-Dev] mkdir -p in python

2010-07-18 Thread Greg Ewing
Tim Golden wrote: That said, it's not clear just how far the stdlib should go to mimic every switch and option of shell commands... I don't think it's a matter of mimicking switches just because they're there. The operation of make sure this directory and all its parents exist is very

Re: [Python-Dev] Removing IDLE from the standard library

2010-07-14 Thread Greg Ewing
Giampaolo Rodolà wrote: One of the main problems with IDLE is the lack of tabs for editing multiple files within the same window. While tabs seem to work well for web browsing, I'm not so sure about using them for source editing. Often I want to display two or more files side by side, which

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement [ACCEPTED]

2010-07-12 Thread Greg Ewing
Titus von der Malsburg wrote: None of the examples I found used the pythonic exception style, that's why I assumed that checking the return value is the only possibility. Reading the PEP carefully would have helped. :-) I had to read the pep fairly carefully before I noticed this too, so

Re: [Python-Dev] [Idle-dev] Removing IDLE from the standard library

2010-07-12 Thread Greg Ewing
Fred Drake wrote: Not when both modules are at the top level; both acceptably provide the same name. The let's-play-with-it script just wasn't *intended* to be a module. I wonder whether this kind of problem would be less prevalent if the tutorials etc. encouraged naming top-level scripts

Re: [Python-Dev] thoughts on the bytes/string discussion

2010-07-07 Thread Greg Ewing
M.-A. Lemburg wrote: Note that using UTF-8 as internal storage format would not work in Python, since Python is a Unicode producer, i.e. it needs to be able to generate and work with code points that are not allowed in UTF-8, e.g. lone surrogates. Well, it wouldn't strictly be UTF-8, any more

Re: [Python-Dev] Can Python implementations reject semantically invalid expressions?

2010-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
Stefan Behnel wrote: So, would it still be Python if it folded 1 + 1 into raise TypeError() at compile time? It would have to be raise TypeError(Exactly the message that would have been produced at run time) That might be acceptable, but then you have to ask, is it really

Re: [Python-Dev] Can Python implementations reject semantically invalid expressions?

2010-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
Craig Citro wrote: Ok, I'm obviously being silly here, but sure you can: dis.dis(raise TypeError()) If producing different bytecode were considered a reason against performing an optimisation, then no code optimisations would be permissible at all! -- Greg

Re: [Python-Dev] Can Python implementations reject semantically invalid expressions?

2010-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
Steven D'Aprano wrote: if the keyhole optimizer raised SyntaxError (or some other exception) on seeing this: def f(): return 1 + 1 That might break code that was deliberately trying to raise an exception. Sometimes you see things like try: 1/0 except Exception, e: ...

Re: [Python-Dev] Can Python implementations reject semantically invalid expressions?

2010-07-02 Thread Greg Ewing
Craig Citro wrote: However, in this particular case, here's a question: *why* would someone write return 1 + '1'? They might not intend to execute the code at all -- e.g. they may want to pass the compiled code to dis() to find out what bytecode gets generated. Having it refuse to compile

Re: [Python-Dev] bytes / unicode

2010-06-28 Thread Greg Ewing
R. David Murray wrote: Having such a poly_str type would probably make my life easier. A thought on this poly_str type: perhaps it could be called ascii, since that's what it would have to be restricted to, and have a'xxx' as a literal syntax for it, seeing as literals seem to be one of

Re: [Python-Dev] thoughts on the bytes/string discussion

2010-06-27 Thread Greg Ewing
Stefan Behnel wrote: Greg Ewing, 26.06.2010 09:58: Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python with UTF-8 as the internal string representation? It would break Py_UNICODE, because the internal size of a unicode character would no longer be fixed. It's not fixed anyway

Re: [Python-Dev] thoughts on the bytes/string discussion

2010-06-27 Thread Greg Ewing
Eric Smith wrote: But isn't this currently ignored everywhere in python's code? It's true that code using a utf-8 build would have to be aware of the fact much more often. But I'm thinking of applications that would otherwise want to keep all their strings encoded to save memory. If they do

Re: [Python-Dev] thoughts on the bytes/string discussion

2010-06-26 Thread Greg Ewing
Tres Seaver wrote: I do know for a fact that using a UCS2-compiled Python instead of the system's UCS4-compiled Python leads to measurable, noticable drop in memory consumption of long-running webserver processes using Unicode Would there be any sanity in having an option to compile Python

Re: [Python-Dev] os.getgroups() on MacOS X Was: red buildbots on 2.7

2010-06-24 Thread Greg Ewing
Ronald Oussoren wrote: That's because setgroups(3) is limited to 16 groups (that is, the kernel doesn't support more than 16 groups at all). So how does an account being a member of 18 groups ever work? -- Greg ___ Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] versioned .so files for Python 3.2

2010-06-24 Thread Greg Ewing
Scott Dial wrote: But the only motivation for doing this with .pyc files is that the .py files are able to be shared, In an application made up of a mixture of pure Python and extension modules, the .py files are able to be shared too. Seems to me that a similar motivation exists here as

Re: [Python-Dev] thoughts on the bytes/string discussion

2010-06-24 Thread Greg Ewing
Terry Reedy wrote: On 6/24/2010 1:38 PM, Bill Janssen wrote: We have separate types for int, float, Decimal, etc. But they're all numbers, and they all cross-operate. No they do not. Decimal only mixes properly with ints, but not with anything else I think there are also some important

Re: [Python-Dev] UserDict in 2.7

2010-06-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Benjamin Peterson wrote: IIRC this was because UserDict tries to be a MutableMapping but abcs require new style classes. Are there any use cases for UserList and UserDict in new code, now that list and dict can be subclassed? If not, I don't think it would be a big problem if they were left

Re: [Python-Dev] Are PyCFunctions supposed to invisibly consume self when used as a method?

2010-06-12 Thread Greg Ewing
Guido van Rossum wrote: bind the instance to the first argument when it is called on an instance. I can't think of a good name for that one right now, but we'll think of one. dynamicmethod? -- Greg ___ Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] tp_dealloc

2010-05-31 Thread Greg Ewing wrote: Now, the problem is, Python appears to read-access the deallocated memory still after tp_dealloc. It's not clear exactly what you mean by after tp_dealloc. The usual pattern is for a type's tp_dealloc method to call the base type's tp_dealloc, which can make further

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-27 Thread Greg Ewing
Brian Quinlan wrote: I think that the Executor suffix is a good indicator of the interface being provided. It's not usually considered necessary for the name of a type to indicate its interface. We don't have 'listsequence' and 'dictmapping' for example. I think what bothers me most about

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
Having read through the PEP again, here are my thoughts. * I'm bothered by the term future. To my mind, it's too long on cleverness and too short on explanativeness. I think that the standard library is no place for cuteness of naming. The name of a stdlib module should reflect its

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
Brian Quinlan wrote: I think that Jesse was planning to add some functionality to this namespace. Even if that happens, the existing threading and multiprocessing modules would remain outside of it. You could have general thread pools that aren't related to executors Yes, but it should

Re: [Python-Dev] variable name resolution in exec is incorrect

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
Mark Dickinson wrote: code = \ ... y = 3 ... def f(): ... return y ... f() ... exec code in {} # works fine exec code in {}, {} # dies with a NameError Seems to me the whole idea of being able to specify separate global and local scopes for top-level code is screwy in the first

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/05/10 00:31, Brian Quinlan wrote: You have two semantic choices here: 1. let the interpreter exit with the future still running 2. wait until the future finishes and then exit I'd go for (1). I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a program that wants all its tasks to finish to

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/05/10 01:48, Nick Coghlan wrote: I would say it is precisely that extra configurability which separates the executor pools in the PEP implementation from more flexible general purpose pools. Wouldn't this be better addressed by adding the relevant options to the futures pools, rather

Re: [Python-Dev] variable name resolution in exec is incorrect

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/05/10 11:33, Michael Foord wrote: On 27/05/2010 00:38, Greg Ewing wrote: Maybe the second scope argument to exec() should be deprecated? Sounds good to me, certainly ends the confusion over this undoubtedly unintuitive behaviour. :-) Although it's a fair point that it can be useful

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/05/10 12:04, Jesse Noller wrote: Namespaces are only a honking great idea if you actually let them do the job they're designed for. concurrent.* is the namespace, futures is the package within the namespace - concurrent.futures is highly descriptive of the items contained therein. I

Re: [Python-Dev] variable name resolution in exec is incorrect

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/05/10 12:37, Colin H wrote: This is a major use case for exec() - defining code from strings (e.g. enabling you to store python code in the database), and using it at runtime. It seems to me this must have been the point of locals in the first place. I suspect that originally it just

Re: [Python-Dev] variable name resolution in exec is incorrect

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
On 27/05/10 12:38, Guido van Rossum wrote: the compiler normally uses syntactic clues to decide whether to generate code using closures, in particular, the presence of nested functions. Well, the compiler could be passed a flag indicating that the code is being compiled for an exec statement.

Re: [Python-Dev] variable name resolution in exec is incorrect

2010-05-26 Thread Greg Ewing
Another approach to all this might be to generalise the mechanism by which a lookup of the globals falls back to a lookup of __builtins__. If this were done recursively, then the stuff could be attached to the globals dict, e.g. stuff['__builtins__'] = __builtins__ g = dict(__builtins__ =

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Glyph Lefkowitz wrote: Finally, why isn't this just a module on PyPI? It doesn't seem like there's any particular benefit to making this a stdlib module and going through the whole PEP process I'm inclined to agree. This needs to be field-tested before being considered for stdlib inclusion.

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Brian Quinlan wrote: The good news in this case is that the same API has been used successfully in Java and C++ for years so it is unlikely that any major changes will need to be made. That doesn't follow. An API that's appropriate for Java or C++ is not necessarily appropriate for Python.

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Brian Quinlan wrote: Simple modules are unlikely to develop a following because it is too easy to partially replicate their functionality. I don't think it needs a particularly large following. What it does need is at least a few people using it in some real projects. No matter how much

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Andrew Svetlov wrote: BTW, is 'cancelled' correct name? Spell-checkers likes only single 'l' form: 'canceled'. I think this is an English vs. American thing. Double 'l' looks right to me, but then I was brought up as a loyal subject of the antipodean branch of the British Empire. :-) -- Greg

Re: [Python-Dev] Reasons behind misleading TypeError message when passing the wrong number of arguments to a method

2010-05-20 Thread Greg Ewing
John Arbash Meinel wrote: Because you wouldn't want to have A.echo() Say that it takes 1 argument and (-1 given) ? Something like 1 argument in addition to 'self' would be reasonably clear and would cover both situations. +1 on fixing this from me, too. Even when you understand exactly

Re: [Python-Dev] Reasons behind misleading TypeError message when passing the wrong number of arguments to a method

2010-05-20 Thread Greg Ewing
Ben Finney wrote: Something like 1 argument in addition to 'self' would be reasonably clear and would cover both situations. Except that there's nothing special to the syntax or parser about the name ‘self’. That's true, but the use of the word 'self' here isn't meant to refer to the name

Re: [Python-Dev] Reasons behind misleading TypeError message when passing the wrong number of arguments to a method

2010-05-20 Thread Greg Ewing
Floris Bruynooghe wrote: Not having looked at the code I don't know how hard it is for the code that raises this traceback to notice if it's a bound or unbound method tough. The way things currently work, it would be quite difficult. The exception is raised when attempting to call the

Re: [Python-Dev] Reasons behind misleading TypeError message when passing the wrong number of arguments to a method

2010-05-20 Thread Greg Ewing
Giampaolo Rodolà wrote: unbound method echo() must be called with A instance as first argument (got nothing instead) It talks about arguments while no arguments are actually involved in the problem: just a class I forgot to initialize. It's hard to see how this could be improved. If you had

Re: [Python-Dev] Very Strange Argument Handling Behavior

2010-04-16 Thread Greg Ewing
Daniel Stutzbach wrote: Unless you're saying you often create a dictionary, add non-string keys, remove the non-string keys, then pass it as a **kwds? ;-) I think the point is that it would create a very mysterious potential failure mode. What would you make of a situation where Python says

Re: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Broken link to download (Mac OS X)

2010-04-14 Thread Greg Ewing
Michael Foord wrote: Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all* the C extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial task. What's non-trivial about it? I usually find that the

Re: [Python-Dev] Traceback object has no __class__?

2010-04-13 Thread Greg Ewing
Nick Coghlan wrote: I'm not sure what build you're getting that behaviour on, but my svn build of 2.6 has a __class__ attribute for traceback objects, It's 2.6.1. Guess it's been fixed since then. -- Greg ___ Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers

2010-04-08 Thread Greg Ewing
Nick Coghlan wrote: I thought RPython already supported this? (admittedly, my knowledge of of the inner workings of PyPy is fairly sketchy, but I thought static compilation of RPython to a variety of backend targets was one of the key building blocks) Maybe so, but one would still have to

Re: [Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)

2010-04-06 Thread Greg Ewing
Reid Kleckner wrote: If I remember correctly, the exec statement is going away in py3k, and calling exec() with one argument can modify the local scope. I've been kind of wondering what the deal is with exec in py3. I always thought the reason for making exec a statement was so that locals

Re: [Python-Dev] python compiler

2010-04-06 Thread Greg Ewing
Maciej Fijalkowski wrote: Except none of the things mentioned above is actually a Python compiler. No, but they grapple with many of the same issues that a Python compiler would face, and it would be informative to see how they tackle those issues. If you want to advance the state of the art,

Re: [Python-Dev] Python and compilers

2010-04-06 Thread Greg Ewing
Michael Foord wrote: *However*, a project that would be interesting - and that I have wanted to do in order to program microcontrollers with *very* small memory address spaces [1] - would be to compile a static subset of Python down to C. That would be an excellent project -- if the result

Re: [Python-Dev] nonlocals() function?

2010-04-05 Thread Greg Ewing
Carl M. Johnson wrote: * It would make method in dir(obj) marginally faster Wouldn't hasattr(obj, method) be a better way to do that? * Even though the order isn’t important for code, it’s convenient at the interactive prompt to see the methods of an item in alphabetical order for quick

[Python-Dev] Scope object (Re: nonlocals() function?)

2010-04-05 Thread Greg Ewing
Antoine Pitrou wrote: Steve Bonner pythonsteve at writes: What do we think of adding a built-in nonlocals() function that would be similar to globals() and locals()? These scopes don't have parallel capabilities: Maybe it would be better to deprecate globals() and locals() and

Re: [Python-Dev] python compiler

2010-04-05 Thread Greg Ewing wrote: for a college project, I proposed to create a compiler for python. I've read something about it and maybe I saw that made a bad choice. I hear everyone's opinion respond. I don't want to discourage you if you really want to try, but you need to be aware that you'd be

Re: [Python-Dev] python compiler

2010-04-05 Thread Greg Ewing
Craig Citro wrote: In the event of an exception, the Python call frames are constructed as the C call stack is unwound. Although in Pyrex the frames have just enough info in them to find out the file name and line number -- the rest (f_stack, f_locals, etc.) are filled with dummy values. --

Re: [Python-Dev] Why is nan != nan?

2010-03-28 Thread Greg Ewing
Steven D'Aprano wrote: I disagree -- if I ask: 3.0 in [1.0, 2.0, float('nan'), 3.0] I should get True, not an exception. Yes, I don't think anyone would disagree that NaN should compare unequal to anything that isn't a NaN. Problems only arise when comparing two NaNs. -- Greg

Re: [Python-Dev] Why is nan != nan?

2010-03-25 Thread Greg Ewing
Georg Brandl wrote: Thinking of each value created by float('nan') as a different nan makes sense to my naive mind, and it also explains nicely the behavior present right now. Not entirely: x = float('NaN') y = x if x == y: ... There it's hard to argue that the NaNs being compared

Re: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot

2010-03-25 Thread Greg Ewing
Steven D'Aprano wrote: I'd like to turn the question around ... what algorithms are there that rely on NaN == NaN being True? That seems to be a straw question, since AFAIK nobody has suggested that there are any such algorithms. On the other hand, it has been claimed that some algorithms

Re: [Python-Dev] Why is nan != nan?

2010-03-25 Thread Greg Ewing
Curt Hagenlocher wrote: Wait, what? I haven't been paying much attention, but this is backwards. There are multiple representations of NaN in the IEEE encoding; I think Nick's point is that there aren't enough bits to give the result of every operation its own unique NaN. The payload of a

Re: [Python-Dev] Why is nan != nan?

2010-03-25 Thread Greg Ewing
Steven D'Aprano wrote: By analogy: the Lizard King of Russia does not exist; the Vampire Queen of New Orleans also does not exist. We don't therefore conclude that the Lizard King and the Vampire Queen are therefore the same person. But it's equally invalid to say that they're *not* the same

Re: [Python-Dev] Why is nan != nan?

2010-03-25 Thread Greg Ewing
Steven D'Aprano wrote: What do we do with Decimal? Aren't we committed to matching the Decimal standard, It's been pointed out that the Decimal standard only defines some abstract operations, and doesn't mandate that they be mapped onto any particular language syntax. That gives us enough

Re: [Python-Dev] Why is nan != nan?

2010-03-25 Thread Greg Ewing
I impulsively wrote: The payload of a NaN in typical hardware implementations is quite small, because it has to fit into the exponent field. ...which turns out to be precisely wrong. Some day I'll learn to wait until somebody else in the thread has checked the facts for me before posting. :-)

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __pycache__ directories and umask

2010-03-24 Thread Greg Ewing
Isaac Morland wrote: the benefit to me and to Greg and to others writing .py code is that our directories will contain *.py and __pycache__, rather than *.py and *.pyc. So it will be much easier to see what is actually there. Yes. When using MacOSX I do most of my work using the Finder's

Re: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot

2010-03-24 Thread Greg Ewing
Raymond Hettinger wrote: Conceptually, it's a bug. The numeric tower treats non-complex numbers as special cases of complex where the imaginary component is zero (that's why the non-complex types all support real/imag), and since complex numbers are not allowed to compare to themselves, they

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __pycache__ directories and umask

2010-03-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Antoine Pitrou wrote: The main point of the __pycache__ proposal is to solve the needs of Ubuntu/Debian packagers. If you are developing (rather than deploying or building packages), you shouldn't have these needs AFAICT. Maybe it's one point, but I'm not sure it's the *main* one. Personally

Re: [Python-Dev] __pycache__ creation

2010-03-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Antoine Pitrou wrote: Well, if I can create a setuid apache shell, I can probably su as root or apache as well. (su -c rm -r whatever) Or are you talking about a Web-based shell? I'm just saying that if there is any way of running code of your choice as the apache user, you can get it to

Re: [Python-Dev] __pycache__ creation

2010-03-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Steven D'Aprano wrote: If the user has write permission and the __pycache__ folder is created, but the umask is screwy and no .pyc files can be created, no .pyc file is created and the import uses the .py file only despite the existence of an empty __pycache__ folder. Sounds okay to me. --

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __pycache__ directories and umask

2010-03-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Russell E. Owen wrote: If .pyc files are to be shared, it seems essential to (by default) generate them at install time and make them read-only for unprivileged users. This in turn implies that we may have to give up some support for dragging python modules into site-packages No, I don't

Re: [Python-Dev] Attribute lookup ambiguity

2010-03-23 Thread Greg Ewing
Pascal Chambon wrote: All I've found is If the class also defines __getattr__(), the latter will not be called unless __getattribute__() either calls it explicitly or raises an AttributeError Hmmm. Well, it still implies that there is some mechanism outside of __getattribute__ that will

Re: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot

2010-03-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Mark Dickinson wrote: But the Fraction type is going to mess this up: for Decimal + Fraction - Decimal, I don't see any other sensible option than to convert the Fraction using the current context, since lossless conversion isn't generally possible. You could convert the Decimal to a

Re: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot

2010-03-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Nick Coghlan wrote: (Part of the thread context rather than the individual decimal values, but if you use it properly it tells you whenever an inexact operation has occurred in the current thread) My problem was that the statement

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __pycache__ directories and umask

2010-03-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Antoine Pitrou wrote: In light of this issue, I'm -0.5 on __pycache__ becoming the default caching mechanism. The directory ownership/permissions issue is too much of a mess, especially for Web applications (think __pycache__ files created by the Apache user). Doesn't the existing .pyc

Re: [Python-Dev] __pycache__ creation

2010-03-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Antoine Pitrou wrote: Oh, and by the way, there can be a race condition between __pycache__ creation and deletion (if it fails the test) You can check whether the directory would be created with the right user beforehand, and if not, don't create one at all. To exploit a race condition there,

Re: [Python-Dev] Attribute lookup ambiguity

2010-03-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Pascal Chambon wrote: I don't follow you there - in my mind, the default __getattribute__ could simply have wrapped all its operations inside soem kind of try..catch AttributeError: mechanism, and thus been able to fallback to __getattr__ in any way. But then it would be incorrect to say

Re: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot

2010-03-22 Thread Greg Ewing
Mark Dickinson wrote: It might make sense for Decimal + complex mixed-type operations to be disallowed, for example. As long as you're allowing Decimal-float comparisons, Decimal-complex comparison for equality has an obvious interpretation. -- Greg

Re: [Python-Dev] Decimal amp; amp; lt; -amp; amp; gt; float comparisons in py3k.

2010-03-21 Thread Greg Ewing
Nick Coghlan wrote: That's fine - binary floats *are* surprising. That's why Decimal exists in the first place. This argument could equally well be used the other way -- someone using Decimal is doing so precisely because they *don't* want to be surprised, in which case they would probably

Re: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot

2010-03-21 Thread Greg Ewing
Raymond Hettinger wrote: Remember, the notion of inexactness is a taint, not an intrinsic property of a type. Even the Scheme numeric tower recognizes this. LIkewise, the decimal specification also spells-out this notion as basic to its design. I'm not sure it really does, otherwise every

Re: [Python-Dev] Mixing float and Decimal -- thread reboot

2010-03-21 Thread Greg Ewing
Raymond Hettinger wrote: Since decimal also allows arbitrary sizes, all long ints can be exactly represented (this was even one of the design goals for the decimal module). There may be something we need to clarify here. I've been imagining that the implicit conversions to Decimal that we're

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