Dino Viehland wrote:
> We ran into an interesting user-reported issue w/ IronPython and the way 
> Python writes to files and I thought I'd get python-dev's opinion.
> When writing a string in text mode that contains \r\n we both write \r\r\n 
> because the default write mode is to replace \n with \r\n.  This works great 
> as long as you stay within an entirely Python world.  Because Python uses \n 
> for everything internally you'll never end up writing out a \r\n that gets 
> transformed into a \r\r\n.  But when interoperating with other native code 
> (or .NET code in our case) it's fairly easy to be exposed to a string which 
> contains \r\n.  Ultimately we see odd behavior when round tripping the 
> contents of a multi-line text box through a file.
> So today users have to be aware of the fact that Python internally always 
> uses \n.  They also need to be aware of any APIs that they call that might 
> return a string with an embedded \r\n inside of them and transform the string 
> back into the Python version.
> It could be argued that there's little value in doing the simple 
> transformation from \r\n -> \r\r\n.  Ultimately that creates a file that has 
> line endings which aren't good on any platform.  On the other hand it could 
> also be argued that Python defines new-lines as \n and there should be no 
> deviation from that.  And doing so could be considered a slippery slope, 
> first file deals with it, and next the standard libraries, etc...  Finally 
> this might break some apps and if we changed IronPython to behave differently 
> we could introduce incompatibilities which we don't want.
> So I'm curious: Is there a reason this behavior is useful that I'm missing?  
> Would there be a possibility (or objections to) making \r\n be untransformed 
> in the Py3k timeframe?  Or should we just tell our users to open files in 
> binary mode? :)

It is normal when working with Windows interaction in the Python world 
to be aware that you might receive strings with '\r\n' in and do the 
conversion yourself.

We come across this a great deal with Resolver (when working with multi 
line text boxes for example) and quite happily replace '\r\n' with '\n' 
and vice versa as needed. As a developer who uses both Python and 
IronPython I say that this isn't a problem. I may be wrong or outvoted 
of course...


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