Brett and I have been working on a little skunkworks project for a few weeks, 
and it’s now time to announce the first release.  We’re calling it 
importlib_resources and its intent is to replace the “Basic Resource Access” 
APIs of pkg_resources with more efficient implementations based directly on 

importlib_resources 0.1 provides support for Python 2.7, and 3.4-3.7.  It 
defines an ABC that loaders can implement to provide direct access to resources 
inside packages.  importlib_resources has fallbacks for file system and zip 
file loaders, so it should work out of the box in most of the places that 
pkg_resources is currently used.  We even have a migration guide for folks who 
want to drop pkg_resources altogether and adopt importlib_resources.  
importlib_resources explicitly does not support pkg_resources features like 
entry points, working sets, etc.  Still, we think the APIs provided will be 
good enough for most current use cases.

We are calling it “importlib_resources” because we intend to port this into 
Python 3.7 under a new importlib.resources subpackage, so starting with Python 
3.7, you will get this for free.  The API is going to officially be 
provisional, but I’ve already done an experimental port of at least one big 
application (I’ll let you guess which one :) and it’s fairly straightforward, 
if not completely mechanical unfortunately.  Take a look at the migration guide 
for details:

We also intend to include the ABC in Python 3.7:

You can of course `pip install importlib_resources`.

We’re hosting the project on GitLab, and welcome feedback, bug fixes, 
improvements, etc!

 * Project home:
 * Report bugs at:
 * Code hosting:
 * Documentation:

-Barry and Brett

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