We’ve just published the October, November and December steering council
update for 2021, also included below:


Just as a reminder, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to
contact us or open an issue in the SC repo:

*October 11*

   - SC met with the Developer-in-Residence and provided feedback on the
   Developer-in-Residence activity blog.
   - SC decided to keep 2020 dates for 2021 election.
   - SC discussed the draft about the SC's position on the PEP 649 / PEP
   563 situation (stringified annotations) and provided feedback.
   - SC discussed whether or not they should extend their weekly meetings
   and/or do more async communications. They also decided that the SC should
   continue having meetings and working during the elections.

*October 18*

   - Steering Council met with the GitHub Issues PM for an update on the
   migration. Priority right now is getting a testing repo out to the core dev
   sprint and triagers by Wednesday.
   - SC reviewed PEP 663 (Standardizing Enum str(), repr(), and format()
   behaviors) and potential PEP Delegates.
   - SC reviewed and discussed issues open on

*October 19*

   - SC met with the Search Firm the PSF is using for the Executive
   Director search, to provide input on the search parameters, and suggest
   potential candidates.

*October 25*

   - Steering Council did a one hour Q&A recorded session with Visionary
   sponsor, Bloomberg.
   - Steering Council discussed PEP 649 and PEP 563 (stringified
   annotations). The group may want to delegate this to Łukasz but will
   discuss this more next week.
   - The candidate PEP Delegate for PEP 663 (Standardizing Enum str(),
   repr(), and format() behaviors) declined. The Steering Council will think
   of who else it can be delegated to, or take it on themselves.

November 1

   - The SC discussed PEP 649 -- Deferred Evaluation Of Annotations Using
   Descriptors <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0649/> & PEP 563 --
   Postponed Evaluation of Annotations
   <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/>. The SC decided it would
   tell the community that more information is needed. Barry will draft an
   email explaining the current situation and calling for help from static and
   dynamic typing users.
   - The SC reviewed the open issues in the public Steering Council repo:
   - The SC discussed SC promotion during the call for nomination period,
   which started on Nov 1.
   - The SC discussed PEP 663 - Standardizing Enum str(), repr(), and
   format() behaviors <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0663/> and that
   Barry would write the rejection draft.
   - Brett informed the SC of an issue involving the return type of
   iterators and the SC decided it would continue discussing it at the next
   meeting (https://bugs.python.org/issue45250).


   - The SC had their bi-weekly meeting with the Developer-in-Residence.
   Received an update from Łukasz on what he is working on.
   - The SC discussed PEP 663 - Standardizing Enum str(), repr(), and
   format() behaviors <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0663/> and after
   some initial discussion, it was decided that it needs more discussion on
   - The SC discussed PEP 467 -- Minor API improvements for binary sequences
   <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0467/>. bchr() was taken out like
   the SC had requested and then an ascii() method was added in without any
   mention. Pablo will draft a response.
   - PEP 554 -- Multiple Interpreters in the Stdlib
   <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0554/> was discussed. A proof of
   concept is needed and the SC is not yet ready to review the PEP without it.


   - The SC met with Ezio and got an update on what Ezio was working on. SC
   told Ezio not to be overly concerned with perfection and not to strive for
   it. The SC gave Ezio a deadline of Dec 7th to get everything migrated over.
   - The SC discussed a PR to the CPython repo regarding __iter__ and
   iterators being inconsistently required by CPython (
   https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29170). The SC's decision was to
   update the definitions to say it's a CPython implementation detail that it
   is inconsistent in its checking whether what an iterable returns is a
   proper iterator or not (i.e. keep the __iter__ requirement but admit it
   isn't rigorously enforced by CPython as a historical accident). Brett
   committed updates to the PR.
   - The SC discussed a pull request in the “python/voters” repository that
   allows core devs to trigger automerge behavior from labels and decided it
   is fine to merge.
   - Carol gave an update on the documentation WG: The WG is going to a
   series of 1 hour monthly meetings and then do the rollout next year.
   - Barry updated the text for the PEP 663 rejection and sent it out to
   - Group reviewed text for "The current state of typing PEPs" (i.e.
   request for PEP 563 and 649) and Barry sent it to python-dev@
   - The SC reviewed PEP 646 (Variadic Generics) and Barry sent the
   approval to the PEP team.
   - The SC discussed how notes will be taken after Ewa leaves.
   - The SC discussed PEP 518 (Specifying Minimum Build System Requirements
   for Python Projects) and how some folks are split on toml.


   - The SC met with Łukasz and received an update from Łukasz on his
   recent work. Additionally, the SC informed Łukasz he should work on
   upgrading the CLA process. Łukasz will reach out to Yury and Ezio.
   - The SC discussed Victor's request to remove asynchat and friends
   prematurely. The SC decided that the removal of asynchat needs to wait
   another 6 months.
   - The SC discussed Ethan's email to the SC asking about the re module
   and its RegexFlag.
   - The SC discussed the exception for Py_SET_TYPE request. Pablo will
   write a response to Petr request stating that the change needs to be rolled
   back in case there are any issues and they need to document any breakage in
   - The SC discussed the various questions pertaining to the current state
   of typing PEPs. Thomas will draft a response to Chris and Paul's questions
   and the group discussed Barry's private conversation with a core dev about
   this as well.
   - The SC decided that it should be the 2022 SC that decides what happens
   to python-dev@.


   - The SC met with Ezio. The date to do the full migration has been
   pushed to mid-January. By Dec 7th, Ezio will put all issues into a test
   repo for python-dev to test and then the migration will happen when Steffen
   from GitHub returns from vacation in January.
   - The SC discussed PEP 659 - Specializing Adaptive Interpreter
   <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0659/> and whether or not it should
   be a PEP. It was determined that the informational aspect of the writeup is
   lacking such as how trade-offs are decided. The SC also discussed how
   different companies working on Python should work especially in terms of
   transparency. For the time being there will be no communications about this
   to the PEP authors or the community as the SC wants to discuss this
   further. This discussion will continue with the new SC as well.

December 6

   - The Steering Council met with Łukasz to discuss his progress and also
   introduced Ee to the meeting since Ee will be taking PSF lead on supporting
   Łukasz going forward. Łukasz updated the team on CLA work, testing Irit's
   PR for Exception Groups, adding a new triager, and giving a keynote at the
   PyCode Conference.
   - The Steering Council discussed the issue Jason posted
   <https://github.com/python/steering-council/issues/89> about deprecating
   importlib.resources legacy API. It was decided that Brett would respond to
   the comment stating that Jason is following policy and that the SC is
   satisfied, but that the larger discussion on changing the policy should
   happen on python-dev. The group also discussed how Python's deprecation
   policy impacts users and library authors.
   - The group said their goodbyes on Ewa's last day.


   - The Steering Council met with Ezio. There is no full import from BPO
   yet, but he will create one this week. The final migration is still
   tentatively scheduled for mid-January. Ezio will loop in Thomas on meetings
   with GitHub, which Ewa previously attended, or other SC members if Thomas
   can't make it.
   - The SC prepared for a Talk Python podcast recording after the meeting.

13 (handoff meeting)

   - The old Steering Council and the New Steering Council met for the
   handoff meeting.
   - The SC discussed several aspects on how it has operated so far.
   - The SC received an updated from Thomas on the status on the search for
   a new PSF director.
   - The SC briefly reflected and discussed the diversity in the Steering
   Council and how to improve the situation in the future. This topic will be
   discussed further in the future.
   - The SC approved a request for a wording change in PEP 654 - Exception
   groups <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0654/>.
   - The SC had an overview of unresolved issues: definition/rules for the
   standard library, split in communication channels and the situation
   regarding type annotations with PEP 563 and 649.
   - The new SC decided to use discord as a new communication channel.
   - The SC discussed the status on the GitHub issues migration and what to
   do next to push the work forward.

Regards from sunny Salamanca,
Pablo Galindo Salgado
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