The "xxlimited" module (Modules/xxlimited.c) was added as part of PEP 384 (Defining a Stable ABI), and is undocumented. As far as I can tell, it was added partly to test the stable ABI, and partly as an example of how to write a module (like "xx" from xxmodule.c). In the last few years the module has not seen much maintenance, and I believe it's no longer a good example to follow: it works, but there are now better ways to do things.

I would like to take over maintenance of the module and make it into an example of how to write a low-level C extension with isolated module state, as described in PEP 630 (Isolating Extension Modules) -- an informational PEP that I plan to convert to a HOWTO doc when everything is ready.

Please let me know if you think this isn't a good idea, or if there's something I'm missing.
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