tl;dr: Python 3.12 should be built with no-omit-frame-pointer if upstream recommends it.

You might be aware of a Fedora change proposal [0] (discussed on fedora-devel [1] and FESCo [2]) are discussing turning on C compiler flags that help with performance *measurement*, but might hurt performance itself: `-fno-omit-frame-pointer` and `-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer`. Apparently there are some benchmarks that make Python look extra slow when the flags are turned on -- which I don't quite understand.

Meanwhile, on the upstream side, Python 3.12 (due next year, main Python for Fedora 39 [3]) has support for `perf`. Upstream plans to recommend compiling with these flags when measuring performance [4], and AFAIK, the plan is to recommend *always* compiling with them. The idea is that possible speedups from "allowing anyone to profile/optimize their workflow" are worth the initial slowdown.

I'm not much of a performance expert myself, but I do get drawn into the relevant discussions on the CPython side. As far as I can see, performance geeks are enthusiastic for `perf` support, and I'd like to get them to (continue to) use Fedora builds. If CPython upstream does recommend these flags (or makes them default), I'm considering to turn the no-omit options on for Python 3.12 even if Fedora as a whole doesn't. Note that even a 2% slowdown will likely won back by general performance improvements – the Faster CPython team is targeting a 20% average speedup for pure-Python code in 3.12, on top of the ~25% for 3.11. And the people responsible for this speedup have a say in the upstream recommendations.

Technically there are three separate places where the flags can be set, I think we should turn them on everywhere:
- CPython itself & its standard library
- The debug build (/usr/bin/python3-debug)
- Default for libraries in Fedora (RPM macros)
- Befault for libraries built by users (sysconfig settings)

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