Hello, all!

wM here, and I'd like to show a new project that I'm working on in Python.

It's called Sue, and it's my pseudocode-to-Python translator; that is to
say, I'm essentially writing a programming language that takes natural
language input as its source code. I came up with the idea about a week and
a half ago, and then I started working on implementations. Though, it
wasn't until last night that I found out that I was not the first to start
out on a project like this. There is a programming language called
HyperTalk<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperTalk> that
also takes natural language inputs. I think that HyperTalk has some good
ideas, such as the use of prepositional arguments for file and variable
manipulation, so I may take some inspiration from that language. I have
also been doing research on Lex and Yacc so that I can go deeper into
computational language development.

Without further ado, here's Sue. <https://github.com/PDFormat/Sue>

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