Re: Problem in designing a global directory in python

2005-03-29 Thread '@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])])
noob warning: what is so wonderful about the NEW class over the old ? --

help with getting selection from wxChoice with out after it has changed

2005-03-27 Thread '@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])])
I want to get the selection of several wxChoice boxes. But i do not want to have to catch the events for all the boxes I should be able to access the current selection outside of an event,but i am not seeing how to do this. This is a hack of the wxpython choice demo to demonstrate my question

Re: Cross platform distribution of standalone executable

2005-03-27 Thread '@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])])
don't count out py2exe, especially if your using pywin32's --

try / except not worknig correctly

2005-03-12 Thread '@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])])
the code below will not execute the except section when i enter a number. what am i missing ? # .while 1: . print 'Pump Protection ? ' . #line 133 .try: .myInput = raw_input('A B C D E F G H I J K L ? ') .myInput =

Re: try / except not worknig correctly

2005-03-12 Thread '@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])])
1) the tutor list is really slow. but thanks. 2) Thanks Brain, i was missing the string bit. the code i posted (opps) was not exactly where i was having problems, it just looked like it. also thanks for the 'in' test, that will come in handy. i am using chain because i need to do something