Hi, Sorry for the slightly off-topic post.
Freedom Force and its recent follow-up, Freedom Force vs the Third Reich, are 3D RPG/TRS games using Python for higher-level programming, such as mission scripting. As such, the game has gotten quite a few people to discover Python (a prodigious language, in my uninformed opinion). Clever hacks have been developped, allowing things ranging from astral projection to animating mailboxes to on-the-fly level transformation. However, while there are some programmers in our little community, I believe there's no one with extensive Python experience outside the game. As the second game is just out, this seems like a good jumping point for anybody interested in joining. If you've got free time and are interested in participating, your expertise and inventiveness could certainly be useful and you could have some great fun doing development on a silly project. ;) Scripters are usually hanging on the scring and mods forums of http://freedomreborn.net/invision/ Thanks. (Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with either the game developper or publisher, nor with the Freedom Reborn board admins; this is strictly a personal initiative.) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list