Hello Python people, 

I've made a C++ wrapper for Python.
I've called it PiCxx and put it up here: https://github.com/p-i-/PiCxx 

That project runs out of the box on OS X and should be pretty easy to adapt for 
other OS.  Any help providing demo projects for other platforms is most welcome 
(especially iOS/Android)!

Currently I've only provided support for Python 3.x, is that is all I need in 
my own work.  2.x would not be too much extra trouble.

PiCxx presents a viable alternative to Boost::Python and PyCXX -- I didn't want 
to use either of those two because I didn't want to introduce a Boost 
dependency and I found the internals of PyCXX impenetrable, so I set about 
doing a (C++11) rewrite.

I've ditched the idea of splitting off a different C++ class for each 
PyFoo_Type.  Instead I have an Object class to mirror PyObject.  

Feel free to contact me by email or (even better) webchat.freenode.net 
<http://webchat.freenode.net/> #pi

Happy spring '15,

π (pi)
25 March 2015

PS Note I haven't subscribed to this mailing list, so I may not catch replies!

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