We have built Radbox.me on web2py and it's amazing..

> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 1:42 AM AppRe Godeck wrote:

> Just curious if anybody prefers web2py over django, and visa versa. I
> know it is been discussed on a flame war level a lot. I am looking for a
> more intellectual reasoning behind using one or the other.

>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 3:48 PM Yarko wrote:

>> Chevy or Ford?  (or whatever pair you prefer)
>> vi or emacs?
>> <pick your favorite two long-lasting world religions>...
>> These hold one aspect.
>> Hammer or a saw?
>> Hold (perhaps) another...
>> us.pycon.org, for example, uses both (in reality a mix of the above
>> argument sets, but at least evidence of the latter: different tools
>> for different problems).
>> From a rapid prototyping perspective, web2py is heavily data-table
>> efficient: that is, you can define a system, and all the app creation,
>> form generation and validation have defaults out of the box, and you
>> can have a "sense" of your data-centric structure in minutes.   The
>> same argument can go against ("how do I get it to do exactly what _I_
>> want it to, not what it wants to?") - that is, defaults hide things,
>> and  that has two edges...
>> From a layout/user interaction rapid prototyping perspective, web2py
>> is just entering the waters...
>> There is a steady growth of users, and (as you would expect for a
>> young framework), a lot of changes going on (although backward
>> compatiblity is a constant mantra when considering changes, that too
>> is a double-edged thing).
>> I find web2py useful, fast, and at times / in areas not as evolved /
>> flexible as I'd like.  BUT I could learn it quickly, and get to work
>> quickly.
>> I have taken an intro Django course (at a PyCon), have built a few
>> things with it (not nearly as many as I have w/ web2py), and I _can_
>> do things in it - so I will let someone else w/ django "miles" under
>> their belt speak their mind.
>> - Yarko

>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 3:51 PM Yarko wrote:

>>> Oh and one more thing: I find it dependable (not that snapshots do not
>>> have bugs, but that they are well defined, not "wild", and quickly
>>> fixed - and if you work around them, you can also depend on the system
>>> you have created).  FYI, it does the money/registration part of PyCon
>>> (past 2 years).

>>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:32 PM mdipierro wrote:

>>>> Of course I am the most biased person in the world on this topic but
>>>> perhaps you want to hear my bias.
>>>> A little bit of history... I thought a Django course at DePaul
>>>> University and built a CMS for the United Nations in Django. I loved
>>>> it. Then I also learned RoR. I found RoR more intuitive and better for
>>>> rapid prototyping. I found Django much faster and more solid. I
>>>> decided to build a proof of concept system that was somewhat in
>>>> between Django and Rails with focus on 3 features: 1) easy to start
>>>> with (no installation, no configuration, web based IDE, web based
>>>> testing, debugging, and database interface); 2) enforce good practice
>>>> (MVC, postbacks); 3) secure (escape all output, talk to database via
>>>> DAL to present injections, server-side cookies with uuid session keys,
>>>> role based access control with pluggable login methods, regex
>>>> validation for all input including URLs).
>>>> Originally it was a proof of concept, mostly suitable for teaching.
>>>> Then lots of people helped to make it better and turn it into a
>>>> production system. Now he had more than 50 contributors and a more
>>>> than 20 companies that provide support.
>>>> There are some distinctive features of web2py vs Django. Some love
>>>> them, some hate hate them (mostly people who did not try them):
>>>> - We promise backward compatibility. I do not accept patches that
>>>> break it. It has been backward compatible for three years and I will
>>>> enforce the copyright, if necessary, in order to ensure it for the
>>>> future.
>>>> - In web2py models and controllers are not modules. They are not
>>>> imported. They are executed. This means you do not need to import
>>>> basic web2py symbols. They are already defined in the environment that
>>>> executes the models and controllers (like in Rails). This also means
>>>> you do not need to restart the web server when you edit your app. You
>>>> can import additional modules and you can define modules if you like.
>>>> - You have a web based IDE with editor, some conflict resolution,
>>>> Mercurial integration, ticketing system, web-based testing and
>>>> debugging.
>>>> - The Database Abstraction Layer (DAL) is closed to SQL than Dango ORM
>>>> is. This means it does less for you (in particular about many 2 many)
>>>> but it is more flaxible when it comes to complex joins, aggregates and
>>>> nested selects.
>>>> - The DAL supports out of the box SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL,
>>>> Oracle, FireBird, FireBase, DB2, Informix, Ingres, and the Google App
>>>> Engine (except for joins and multi-entity transactions). We plan
>>>> support for Sybase and MongoDB within one month.
>>>> - The DAL supports transactions. It means it will create and/or ALTER
>>>> tables for you as your model changes. This can be disabled.
>>>> - The DAL has partial support for some legacy databases that do not
>>>> have an 'id' auto increment primary key.
>>>> - It has a plugin and a component systems (here is an old video:
>>>> http://www.vimeo.com/7182692 the video says "experimental" but this is
>>>> now stable in trunk, although not very well documented).
>>>> - both systems have a web based database interface (Django calls it
>>>> "admin", web2py calls it "appadmin, not to be confused with web2py
>>>> "admin", the IDE). The Django one is more polished, customizable and
>>>> designed to be exposed to users. The web2py one is raw and designed
>>>> for the administrator. It is not customizable. Because it is designed
>>>> for the administrator and requires administrator login it allows
>>>> arbitrary DAL code to be executed. It can be disabled.
>>>> Here is the last app I built with it: http://www.vimeo.com/7182692
>>>> running on GAE here: http://www.vimeo.com/7182692
>>>> Here http://www.vimeo.com/6507384 you can see a video in which I
>>>> rewrite the Django polls tutorial in web2py. You will get an idea of
>>>> some of the differences.
>>>> Anyway, I think both system are great. Spend 15 minutes (no more) with
>>>> each to make up your mind, and stick with it.
>>>> Massimo

>>>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:35 PM mdipierro wrote:

>>>>> Errata. I said "The dal supports transactions" where I meant "the dal
>>>>> supports migrations".
>>>>> Of course it also supports "transactions" as well as "distributed
>>>>> transactions".
>>>>> w.vimeo.com/7182692the video says "experimental" but this is

>>>>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:42 PM Jake wrote:

>>>>>> Hi!  I come from a mvc framework background in a few different
>>>>>> languages (java, php, ruby).  I am only a couple weeks into web2py, I am
>>>>>> finding web2py a joy to work with.  I will not waste your time with the
>>>>>> features it provides, as you can find these on the website.  There is
>>>>>> also a copy of the lead developer's book on the site, and its very
>>>>>> well written.
>>>>>> If web2py intrigues you, I would recommend just trying it for a few
>>>>>> days.  it is pretty small (relatively few exposed classes and
>>>>>> functions) and very comprehensible, so you will not really have to invest
>>>>>> much if you decide to try it and do not like it.  The mailing list is
>>>>>> active and responsive, and the lead developer happens to have chimed
>>>>>> in on every question i've asked.  On the down side, the irc community
>>>>>> is very small.
>>>>>> Good Luck,
>>>>>> Jake

>>>>>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 7:07 PM mdipierro wrote:

>>>>>>> Errata 2. Before people jump on me. I said "copyright" but I meant
>>>>>>> "trademark". Of course web2py is GPL2 so everybody can copy and modify
>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>> The license has an exception that basically treats the compiled web2py
>>>>>>> as freeware.
>>>>>>> The license does not extend to apps that require web2py. They can be
>>>>>>> distributed under any license you like, included closed source and
>>>>>>> bundled with the web2py binary.
>>>>>>> w.vimeo.com/7182692the video says "experimental" but this is

>>>>>>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 9:39 PM AppRe Godeck wrote:

>>>>>>>> tis the nature of man kind to war.
>>>>>>>> It seems that this is the biggest issue surrounding web2py, from my
>>>>>>>> research, is the ability to customize the defaults (the easy). If all
>>>>>>>> web2py offers is default views, then it may be good for proof of 
>>>>>>>> concept
>>>>>>>> projects, however I cannot see in my right mind, proofing an 
>>>>>>>> application,
>>>>>>>> and then turning around to write it in django because more than the
>>>>>>>> defaults is needed.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your replies, I was hoping to hear from some django people 
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> well. Especially if you choose django over web2py, and why.
>>>>>>>> If you have time to write,
>>>>>>>> Give a situation where you would prefer to have django over web2py, and
>>>>>>>> then another situation you would prefer web2py over django, and why.
>>>>>>>> Why does web2py have classes that represent HTML? I cannot see ever
>>>>>>>> needing to write VIEW code in my controller, since thats what views are
>>>>>>>> for.
>>>>>>>> It seems that even though web2py is fast, supports lots of features, 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> fact that in the end it gets in the way of doing what you want is it is
>>>>>>>> downfall. Django, even though requiring more "ground work", this ground
>>>>>>>> work becomes a solid foundation on which to build your application on.

>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 10:04 PM mdipierro wrote:

>>>>>>>>> You do not need to use but if, for example, you want to build a menu
>>>>>>>>> recursively, having a server-side presentation of the DOM allows to do
>>>>>>>>> it without string manipulation. It is safer and less error prone.
>>>>>>>>> Anyway, it is not something you must use.
>>>>>>>>> Lots of the features are optional. Like the web based IDE. If you do
>>>>>>>>> not like it, you can use the shell like you use Django.
>>>>>>>>> features, the
>>>>>>>>> What do you mean by "gets in the way"? Could you provide an example?

>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 11:21 PM Thadeus Burgess wrote:

>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> n
>>>>>>>>>> t
>>>>>>>>>> t
>>>>>>>>>> s
>>>>>>>>>> You need to realize that web2py is still a relatively young 
>>>>>>>>>> framework,
>>>>>>>>>> issues to certain problems are currently being addressed in web2py.
>>>>>>>>>> For example, the DAL is being re-written in a much more modular 
>>>>>>>>>> maner,
>>>>>>>>>> allowing the addition of new database backends to be quite seemless.
>>>>>>>>>> Other parts of web2py will follow as web2py grows I am sure. I
>>>>>>>>>> would not disqualify web2py based off what you read, you really need 
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> try it for yourself, and if you run into a problem, I am sure, some 
>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>> there is a solution if you bring up the problem, and your problem
>>>>>>>>>> might even help web2py to grow to be an even better framework.
>>>>>>>>>> I dare you to try developing a web application with both. Spend one
>>>>>>>>>> day working on a simple django application, polls, blog, image
>>>>>>>>>> gallery, family pet tree, you name it. Then take the next day, and
>>>>>>>>>> write the same application with web2py, and you decide. In the end,
>>>>>>>>>> both are tools and you need to figure out what is best for YOU.

>>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, December 19, 2009 11:30 PM Anand Vaidya wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am not very familiar with Django, anyway, my reasons for selecting
>>>>>>>>>>> web2py are:
>>>>>>>>>>> - I believe Django naturally "fits in" to a publishing type of
>>>>>>>>>>> application. web2py seems to be more focussed on being a front-end 
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> "applications" not so much for CMS type or newspaper type 
>>>>>>>>>>> publishing.
>>>>>>>>>>> (There is a web2py based wiki/CMS app, though). Though, I agree 
>>>>>>>>>>> either
>>>>>>>>>>> could fulfil any of these roles.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Django documentation is vastly superior, including third party 
>>>>>>>>>>> books
>>>>>>>>>>> etc. After the v2 Web2py book, we do have solid documentation, but
>>>>>>>>>>> web2py evolves so quickly, there are always things that are 
>>>>>>>>>>> documented
>>>>>>>>>>> only on the google groups, slices or wiki.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Many training courses are available pretty much everywhere for
>>>>>>>>>>> Django. Web2py needs to catch up - it will, probably.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Web2py lowers the barrier to entry into python web programming,
>>>>>>>>>>> since it is well thought out and intuitive. The support on the 
>>>>>>>>>>> mailing
>>>>>>>>>>> list is fantastic, though I have no idea how good the support for
>>>>>>>>>>> Django is. w2py is easy to pick up for even a python newbie.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Massimo claims about the backward compatibility. I was surprised
>>>>>>>>>>> recently when I took an app I deployed several months (and several
>>>>>>>>>>> versions old) and retested it with the latest SVN code. And it 
>>>>>>>>>>> worked
>>>>>>>>>>> fine! Which means, if my client asks for it, I could swap out old 
>>>>>>>>>>> w2py
>>>>>>>>>>> with the latest code with no problems.
>>>>>>>>>>> My $0.02

>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, December 20, 2009 2:32 PM Lacrima wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, if this is not related to this topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Does web2py support distributed transactions with Google App Engine
>>>>>>>>>>>> Datastore?

>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, December 20, 2009 3:14 PM mdipierro wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>> The concept of distributed transaction does not make sense on GAE
>>>>>>>>>>>>> because there is only one datastore.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It supports regular transactions on GAE to the extent that GAE
>>>>>>>>>>>>> supports them but you have to use the GAE run_in_transaction API
>>>>>>>>>>>>> explictely.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It does support distributed transactions with multiple database
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection to postgresq, mysql and/or firebird.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think this is related to the topic because it is a distinctive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature of web2py.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Massimo

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, December 20, 2009 4:09 PM Baron wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You *can* customize web2py views ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I use these in my views when a HTML tag has multiple dynamic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> properties because it looks more neat.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I came to web2py a year back after writing applications in many 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frameworks (Turbogears / Symonfy / Rails / Django) and find 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more productive with web2py.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So as others have said - try both. Write a small application in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to see which suits you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Richard

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, December 20, 2009 5:57 PM mdipierro wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> People seem to think that because web2py has a default for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> almost
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything (part of its design) than you must use the default.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There is a web based IDE but you *can* use the shell instead 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you do in Django)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There are migrations but you *can* disable then (and it works 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Django that does not do migrations)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There are default views for every action but you *can* make 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There is a default route to every action but you *can* create 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own routes.py, equivalent to Django urls.py
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There is a default for form layout but you *can* customize 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multiple ways
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There is a default widget for every field but you *can* 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change it or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> define your own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There is a default validator for every field but you *can* 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or create your own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - It comes with a default layout.html but you can user any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other html/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> css layout or make your own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - It comes with jQuery but you *can* use any other javascript 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> library
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - It default to email/password login but you *can* use other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication methods (gmail, twitter, openid, rpx, cas, ldap).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only things that web2py does not let you customize are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have security implications (like how sessions and uploads are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handled).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> t
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2009 3:25 AM Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AppRe Godeck a ??crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (snip)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not know what a "django people" is - but if you mean 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "django core
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> developper", I am not one of them. Now wrt while I use Django 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web2py, the answer is quite simple: web2py did not exist when 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using Django !-)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2009 3:32 AM Bruno Desthuilliers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thadeus Burgess a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (snip)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is not how easy it makes to write a *simple* 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (should I say
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "braindead" ?) dummy test app, but how easy - or even 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible -it makes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> writing and maintaining a *real-world* complex application.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2009 3:50 AM Bruno Desthuilliers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mdipierro a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Indeed !-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I assume you mean "executed in an environment defined by the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> framework"...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok. As far as I am concerned : show stops here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The dev server that comes with Django do the autorestart 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing. And you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *do not* "edit yoour app" directly on the production server, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do you ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why should I care ? I have a way better development 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> environment on my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own box.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What if use something else than mercurial ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...does not belong to the framework. FWIW, I already have a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ticketing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system that is language/techno agnostic, thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Err... how does schema changes relates to transactions ???
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now FWIW, when my schema do change, the create/alter table 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> usually the most trivial part - there are quite a few other 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do, that no framework will ever be abale to guess. IOW, you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *do* have to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write a migration script anyway.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Django's ORM has full support for tables that do not use an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "auto_id" key.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once again, while doing a quick dummy test app can give you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> general "feel" of the tool, it means nothing wrt/ complex 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> real-world
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applications.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2009 3:55 AM Bruno Desthuilliers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anand Vaidya a ?crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just do not get why so many people have this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> antipattern... None of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> projects I did with Django were on the CMS side. Django is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *NOT* a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "CMS-growned-into-a-framework" in any way, it is a web 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> development
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> framework, period.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't "believe", check.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please provide *any* evidence of your (plain wrong) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assertions and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assumptions...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2009 10:02 AM mdipierro wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is your choice but, why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exec/eval is only true distinctive feature of an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interpreted language
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vs a compiled language.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately it has happened.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In my experience the distinction between development and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> production is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fiction.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I only use emacs. I do not use the web based IDE much 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> found it really helps in learning how to use the framework.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can use any version control you want, the same way you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Django. web2py itself is version controlled in both bazaar 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mercurial. The only think about mercurial is that, if you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed, the web based IDE lets you commit at the click 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <button>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps we are not talking about the same thing. if an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error occurs in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a web2py application and I want: 1) notify the user, 2) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assign the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user a ticket number; 3) log the error in the framework; 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) allow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> administrator to browse past error logs; I think this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> belongs to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> framework else it gets clunky. Web2py tickets are out of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the box and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> always on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Type "migrations" not "transactions" sorry.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No. We do not have migration scripts. It is nothing like 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rails. You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just edit a model and, voila', database is migrated. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing to type.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing to click on. (you can disable it)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I respect you choosing Django but it looks like you have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> never tried
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web2py.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web2py too has support for legacy databases for tables 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> auto_id but not yet for all database back-ends.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2009 10:50 AM Yarko wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps I can clarify this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - You CAN customize defaults easily ... but the default 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setup is so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easy, sometimes it is not initially clear where / how to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do this in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web2py.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For example:  default views:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I updated (recently) the PyCon-2010  registration site so 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "looked" like the base PyCon-2010 (django) site.  I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> copied some key
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> css and image files, replaced the big header/footers in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the web2py
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> base layout (which is inherited by other views - also by 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default - so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he effect cascaded exactly as I wanted).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To quickly morph what I wanted from the web2py app's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> onto the new template (e.g., the menus, and the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> color/highlits of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pulldowns)  I went into a PC app (thru virtualbox):  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stylizer - and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moved things around, changed the colors (e.g. of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highlites) and saved
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the result.   I then had cleaned it up.   Total time to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look:  about 45 minutes (20 minutes of that playing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> around with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stylizer, enough to decide to use that for what I wanted 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the result,  the templating (or view) language in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Web2Py is...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> um... *cough* ... *ahem* ... _simply pure python.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "How to I update the view?"  comes up often for new 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people.   "Just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write the code and references you want to call up in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> view."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "How do I write them?"   "Python."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This comes up over and over.  How can you write python in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> view (html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files)?   How is indenting handled?  That's perhaps the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only thing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "templateing" language does:  It makes some assumptions 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indenting, so (for example) where context would signal 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the natural end
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of indenting, in the template language you add a "hint" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> template language:   {{ pass }}.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To output to the view, leave the left side empty:   {{ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> var=3D'Output
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this text'; =3Dvar }}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (result of var is output).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Another "how do I customize" question that comes up: data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> validation:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are 2 levels in the DAL:  constraints which are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defined in a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> table field, and passed on as a constraint in the db 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> engine;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constraints which are runtime in the request (e.g. in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web app).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The latter is easy to programmatically modify per 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> context.   The first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time you do validation this becomes clear.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Another place is form customization.  You can customize 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forms.  There
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are layers to this: in web2py, forms are automatically 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data objects.  At one level, you have control over what 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data fields
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are exposed.  At another, you have control over the type 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of object
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is presented in the form (list? text field?)  by the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> form of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> validator you setup.  This is one place where you have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> control over
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "default" behaviors, but still used lots of the default 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "engine".  And
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can create custom forms altogether.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then there are viewports:  Beside layouts / template (all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the basic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff you will recognize from most other frameworks - not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> django), and more-or-less the same kind of inheritence 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> model of views
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you might expect, there are a few things:  the classes 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for HTML you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asked about:  If you reference those classes in your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> view, output and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> integration with any view code will happen for you (that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is, prefer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the class definition of bold to the html syntax, for you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can pass
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arguments, escape, and put in other activity on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> content and output
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> within the HTML tag for which there is a class member.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You'd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned "class" not being "view" - the first thing to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let go of is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "executable python code" is not the same thing as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "controller", eg.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> view-logic !=3D behavior-logic (business-rule, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controller, whatever you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are accustomed to calling this).   Views have logic (just 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ajax calls, javascript, and now Python-for-template 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code).   it is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "is it code that runs" that is the important question, it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is "what is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this code affecting?"  - Presentation, "business logic", 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> persistence/data/model?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And then there is is automatic association of behavior 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with some part
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of your view: automatic controller assignment and ajax 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setup...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All the tools within web2py provide what you need to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> customize /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change defaults.  Perhaps "forms" are the ... least 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clear... have the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most layers / ways to approach (or is it views? ;-).  But 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way for all, no reason to prototype and throw away.  But 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you WILL be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asking "how" at first, not doubt.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this has been somewhat helpful.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Yarko

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2009 11:08 AM Yarko wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bruno -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Check out the 50 minute coding-dojo we did at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PyCon-2009:  a complete
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news aggregation system, with authentication.  There 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were people (who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encouraged us to do the dojo) who doubted that we could 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cover so much
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ground in so little time.   We asked WingIDE folks if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> donate a WingIDE for raffling at the dojo (to help draw 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people) - not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only did they agree, then came and sat thru the dojo.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At the end of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the dojo,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think most people there were amazed: they had a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> complete system, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> insight into how to extend and keep going with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> developing it further
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (e.g. for their own needs).  I know the person who won 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the copy of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WingIDE was on the web2py list after, continuing to work 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on apps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wing wrote up a "how-to" develop web2py apps directly 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from wing, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we added a hook to defer "tickets" (web2py traceback 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logs) to the wing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exception reporting system, if running under Wing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (http://
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.wingware.com/doc/howtos/web2py).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardly "brain-dead" (that is just a loaded term you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> threw out, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see your skepticism).  At some level, each programming 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> activity decays
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to a "brain-dead" one, that is - to a trivially simple 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> activity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, a trivial activity (define a news aggregator, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data tables;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> define a service to aggregate other data sources)  does 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not equal a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trivial result: in fact, the higher the level of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abstraction I can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make a _programmer_ activity trivially easy and still 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accomplish
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> significant function, the more attention and time the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> programmer can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spend on thinking about _the problem at hand_, rather 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _setting up of the system_.... This is precisely one of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the benefits
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have seen touted in numerous papers arguing for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teaching either Flash
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (adobe) over Java, or Python over Java --> the decrease 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in time spent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worrying about setup of the system used to address a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> given problem/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> algorithm.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Easier / trivial setup in tool is good when it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accomplishes what you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need (e.g. gets out of your way, leaves more attention 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at hand).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Yarko

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2009 3:50 PM Yarko wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry- I do not _think_ I am following:  If you want to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write an app all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yourself, and use components to put it together, that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is fine - more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> control, and more responsibility (e.g. watch for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> security, etc.).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But most web applications simply do not require or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> justify this much
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effort spent on this level of "responsibility";  but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maybe I am missing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something less obvious that you mean, that makes "the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> show stop here"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for you.  If so, maybe you can be a bit more explicit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For example, on a running system, simple things are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible simply:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change the cutoff date on something; change a class 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size.  Yeah, sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - my app could write a controller for all those 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _little_ unanticipated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tweaks that inevitably come, but why bother?  You can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just do it with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing environment:   Want 100 coupons for that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vendor?  No problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (lets say that is in a controller).   Want to make it a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> special thingy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for that special vendor - put his image on his coupons? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his words and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instructions?  Ok - I suppose i might have written a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wiki interface so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> someone can do this one thing, this one time - but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (again) why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bother?  I will do it thru the dev. interface on a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running system.  If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am convinced it was an un-captured requirement (e.g. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no one thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of it until the system was running, or it was "assumed" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but somehow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> missed by everyone)  then I will write the associated 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code, and add it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the running system.  In fact, this is quite an agile 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way to do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.   Both the dev. environ, and the command line shell 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (I can write a small loop in the shell to effect what 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> might be a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controller for a customer, and output to a file instead 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a view, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ask the customer "Is this what you are looking for?"  - 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tweak, confirm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happy client, and then put the code I just used into a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controller - if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is short enough, right in the interface on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running system, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have the client try it while we are still on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> phone/IM/whatever.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The things I did not think would be that useful - 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proved to have useful
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ......
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In practice, this is /should be much less than you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would think...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ADDING columns to tables is simple.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REMOVING columns... perhaps unnecessary on running 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> systems...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALTERING columns... can probably be handled instead by 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adding.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think for most useful (and certain development time) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cases, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> framework can do reasonable things, usefully.  But I do 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not deny that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are cases where there is not way around doing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things smarter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than that.  I think it is just that there are times 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where that is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as necessary as at first appears.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually, I agree - and I would go a bit further:  NO 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FRAMEWORK / tool
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has anything much to do wrt/ complex real-world apps.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In fact, at the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> framework / coding level, things should be as simple as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible (that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is where the cost is, anyway).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good analysis of the problem domain will suggest the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shape of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution needed.   Prototyping will then help with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things like "can it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be a web app?" and "what technologies / implementation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> languages are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appropriate?"  Once you are at that stage, _any tool_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (and most likely,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination of tools / set of tools) come into play: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what do they do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to help at this level, how do they enable the process 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> follow, how do they get out of the way.  Are they too 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rigid (too many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defaults / too few options for a given solution 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decision)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But this is so far down the path of designing a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution that "complex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> real-world" does not fitthis discussion, without 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting more specific,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e.g. _a_ specific real-world app.   For PyCon, web2py 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registration was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> done, reviewed, and put into place with little more 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than a month's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worth of discussion / prep.  Yeah, it did not "look" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like the main
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PyCon site the first year (and did not take much at all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to change that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when I decided to).  Yeah, there are still details 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about integrating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> w/ the django part of the site that could be taken care 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of from the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:16 PM mdipierro wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some may find useful to compare:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - A Crash Course on Django
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/django-crash-course
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - A Crash Course on Web2py
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/253
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They basically describe the same app and the steps to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> built it. Sorry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I had not time to make screenshots.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I personally think it is great that we can learn from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each other from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this kind of comparison and we can both improve.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also think that stressing the similarities and the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differences will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help prospective users understand the underlying 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> design patterns.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Massimo

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Submitted via EggHeadCafe 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C# Dynamic XElement wrapper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.eggheadcafe.com/tutorials/aspnet/b830e703-480e-4dde-a957-bda9b6fc8d47/c-dynamic-xelement-wrapper.aspx

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