CRUD library

2013-09-30 Thread AdamKal
Hi, Do you know any library or framework that unifies CRUD somehow. Maybe I'll describe my problem: I have a application that uses many external services and processes them together. This are things like web services and DB and so on. In the REST era we usually operate on object and collectio

Re: Is there a function that applies list of functions to a value?

2013-08-28 Thread AdamKal
W dniu środa, 28 sierpnia 2013 15:43:39 UTC+2 użytkownik Tim Chase napisał: > When 3 replies from 3 people all arrive within minutes, each > suggesting reduce(), I'd figure it's the "one obvious way to do > it" :-) I guess it's at least a good hint ;) Thanks to all! :) -- http://mail.pytho

Re: Is there a function that applies list of functions to a value?

2013-08-28 Thread AdamKal
Thanks! I guess this is as simple as it gets then. I was just looking for the "one obvious way to do it". W dniu środa, 28 sierpnia 2013 15:11:34 UTC+2 użytkownik Tim Chase napisał: > On 2013-08-28 05:52, AdamKal wrote: > > > From time to time I have to apply a series o

Is there a function that applies list of functions to a value?

2013-08-28 Thread AdamKal
Hi, >From time to time I have to apply a series of functions to a value in such a >way: func4(func3(func2(func1(myval I was wondering if there is a function in standard library that would take a list of functions and a initial value and do the above like this: func_im_looking_for([func1,