Maybe it is a good idea to use Disco ( to
process your data.

Yours faithfully,
Alexander Abushkevich

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 10:36 PM, marc magrans de abril
<> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I was doing a small program to classify log files for a cluster of
> PCs, I just wanted to simplify a quite repetitive task in order to
> find errors and so.
> My first naive implementation was something like:
>    patterns = []
>    while(logs):
>        pattern = logs[0]
>        new_logs = [l for l in logs if dist(pattern,l)>THERESHOLD]
>        entry = (len(logs)-len(new_logs),pattern)
>        patterns.append(entry)
>        logs = new_logs
> Where dist(...) is the levenshtein distance (i.e. edit distance) and
> logs is something like 1.5M logs (700 MB file). I thought that python
> will be an easy choice although not really fast..
> I was not surprised when the first iteration of the while loop was
> taking ~10min. I thought "not bad, let's how much it takes". However,
> it seemed that the second iteration never finished.
> My surprise was big when I added a print instead of the list
> comprehension:
> new_logs=[]
> for count,l in enumerate(logs):
>   print count
>   if dist(pattern,l)>THERESHOLD:
>      new_logs.append(l)
> The surprise was that the displayed counter was running ~10 times
> slower on the second iteration of the while loop.
> I am a little lost. Anyone knows the reson of this behavior?  How
> should I write a program that deals with large data sets in python?
> Thanks a lot!
> marc magrans de abril
> --

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