On Mi 12 Okt 2022 at 05:00, Paulo da Silva
> The simple question: How do I find the full path of a shell command
> (linux), i.e. how do I obtain the corresponding of, for example,
> "type rm" in command line?
> The reason:
> I have python program that launches a detached rm. It works pr
Hi Twisted,
> "Twisted" == Twisted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Twisted> Let me get this straight.
Twisted> In this corner, we have just about every Windows application ever
Twisted> developed. When a user needs help, a click on the "help" menu or
Twisted> of the F1 key
Hi Twisted,
> "Twisted" == Twisted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Twisted> That's entirely orthogonal to the issue of interface learning
curve OR
Twisted> interface ease-of-use. Emacs has deficiencies in both areas, if
Twisted> principally the former. (For an example of the latter,
Hi Twisted,
> "Twisted" == Twisted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Twisted> * The operating system where you can do powerful stuff with a
Twisted> line and a script or two, but can also get by without either.
Twisted> fails the former. Linux fails the latter.)