n some encoding.
(By contrast, objects of type unicode definitely do represent text in
some Unicode encoding.)
> I thought it was good only for variables, lists, etc.
Variables? Do you mean tuples? len() works with any kind of sequence,
and strings behave as a sequence of 1-byte strings.
Ben Hutchings
It is easier to write an incorrect program than to understand a correct one.
; are running PostgreSQL 7.4 or higher. Under those circumstances you can
> query the metadata through the information schema.
It's not *that* non-portable - information_schema is a standard part
of ANSI SQL and is supported by several RDBMSes.
Ben Hutchings
It is easier to write an incorrect program than to understand a correct one.
onflicting changes and stop you from overwriting other
people's changes.
Ben Hutchings
Every program is either trivial or else contains at least one bug
; But this will make the function a method to all instances of the class.
> Is that what you want? From your first post I had the impression you
> only wanted the function to be the method of one particular instance.
How about:
def bind(fun, arg):
return lambda *a, **k: fun(arg, *a, **k)
t.dynamic = bind(dynamic, t)
Ben Hutchings
The world is coming to an end. Please log off.
g exception handler
records on the stack was used because it was relatively obvious and
initially not too expensive (since few exception handlers were used).
FWIW, most C++ implementations now use range tables, as you described.
So do the Win64 ABIs and the Unix/Linux IA64 ABI.
Ben Hutchings