Request for recommendations: shared database without a server

2006-10-05 Thread EP
apparently everyone has that on their client machines, or can be asked/expected to install it. That's not my preference, but I need to forget my biases, be pragmatic and get the application done. Thanks for any advice EP --

Re: Request for recommendations: shared database without a server

2006-10-05 Thread EP
Larry Bates wrote: So what is going to be holding the network drive if it isn't a server? And what is MySQL running on? The network drives are on a filer (a NAS array, I believe). The filer will not execute any code, it just serves data by whatever protocols (example: CIFS, NFS) it is set up

Middle matching - any Python library functions (besides re)?

2006-08-27 Thread EP
) is there a better bet than using The initial application concerns files in the 1,000's, and I could use a good solution for a number of files in the 100,000's. TIA for bearing with my ignorance of the clear solution I'm surely blind to... EP --

Python SHA-1 as a method for unique file identification ? [help!]

2006-06-21 Thread EP
This inquiry may either turn out to be about the suitability of the SHA-1 (160 bit digest) for file identification, the sha function in Python ... or about some error in my script. Any insight appreciated in advance. I am trying to reduce duplicate files in storage at home - I have a large

Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-22 Thread EP
be memorable - after all, many of us remember it from MP. And something like that much better represents the change in thinking most programmers must undergo to embrace the language. Help, I'm falling --- I can't find any braces! To some extent Python is something completely different. EP

Re: Python 2.5 licensing: stop this change

2006-04-01 Thread EP
on a per space basis ($.0001 per space proposed). Anyone who prefers to avoid a call from my legal team can simply send me their source code for royalty calculation, and provide a credit card or bank account number. Thanks. EP --

Site err? - modpython - django?

2006-04-01 Thread EP
Hi i am gettng slow response from thssite en wonder if problem with gil? or django bug. is this coded in modpython and to many instances? i need to select web teknology en maybe python en zope is too old to handle high volume of download objs. what cas problem? thks for your help.

Re: Obtaining the remote ip address

2006-03-28 Thread EP
While on the subject of network identity, does anyone have a scheme to get the MAC address of the end device? I've never come up with a way to do it, but I haven't had it proven to me that it is impossible (yet). Justin Ezequiel wrote: os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] os.environ['REMOTE_HOST']

Re: Class attributes newbie question (before I join a cargocult)

2006-03-12 Thread EP
Thanks. Argh. I've failed to find the behavoir I need to understand. More coffee and re-reading my code. Thanks! --

Re: remote module importing (urlimport)

2006-02-25 Thread EP
reasons are. /EP --

Re: new wooden door step - fixing and finishing

2006-02-23 Thread EP
jkn wrote: Hi all I'm considering having a go at replacing the wooden door step to our back door. The original is loose and rotting. I'm sure some of this will be clearer when I remove the (metal) door frame - how is such a step fixed? Vertical frame fixings? Also, any suggestions for

Accessing Windows file metadata?

2006-01-11 Thread EP
spoiled by Python) ? EP --

Re: How can I determine an HTTPMessage ?

2006-01-11 Thread EP
module such as in the following code: ... but we will wait for that question (I propose) so as not to force the OP into serious future-beer debt. EP --

Re: Microsoft IronPython?

2006-01-05 Thread EP
Luis M. González wrote: Will Microsoft hurt Python? I think it is naive to ignore the fact that Microsoft could hurt Python, though there may be nothing anyone can do. How? - create a more prevalent version of Python that is less Pythonic or undermines some of the principles of the

Re: Guido at Google

2005-12-22 Thread EP
= ? These kind of alliances may not improve the bytecode, but they sure influence what programmers get to use day in and day out. Congrats, Guido. Thanks for Python and may your future at Google be bright. EP --

Re: Guido at Google

2005-12-22 Thread EP
rbt wrote: Luis M. González wrote: Java = Sun .Net = Microsoft C# = Microsoft Linux = too many big name IT companies to mention Python = ? I know at least one company responsible for a linux distro (Cannonical - Ubuntu), which encourages and even pays programmers for

Re: Python as Guido Intended

2005-11-25 Thread EP
unless you're Dutch. Now is better than never. Although never is often better than *right* now. If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those! EP Criminy

Re: __new__

2005-11-05 Thread EP
James Stroud wrote: The quote implies that when I call carol, b.__init__ should be called. However, this does not seem to be the case (see code below). What am I not understanding? Shouldn't the interpreter call b.__init__ when b is returned from carol.__new__? James py class

Re: Double replace or single re.sub?

2005-10-27 Thread EP
How does Python execute something like the following oldPhrase=My dog has fleas on his knees newPhrase=oldPhrase.replace(fleas, wrinkles).replace(knees,face) Does it do two iterations of the replace method on the initial and then an intermediate string (my guess) -- or does it compile to

Re: Microsoft Hatred FAQ

2005-10-27 Thread EP
releases. It's currently considered Freeware but tastes nothing like free beer. EP --

Re: CSV like file format featured recently in Daily Python URL?

2005-10-08 Thread EP
From: Alex Willmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] inquired I'm trying to track down the name of a file format and python module, that was featured in the Daily Python URL some time in the last month or two. The format was ASCII with a multiline header defining types for the comma seperated column

Re: What's the difference between VAR and _VAR_?

2005-09-09 Thread EP
I thought there must be something special when you named a VAR with '_' the first character. Maybe it's just a programming style and I had thought too much... Perhaps you are thinking of the use of double leading underscore names within class declarations or system defined names with

Re: Python doc problems example: gzip module

2005-09-01 Thread EP
been a long week and I need to decompress. EP --

Re: Python -- (just) a successful experiment?

2005-08-08 Thread EP
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Which is exactly why I said at the beginning that people shouldn't bother with this thread and should instead just get to work. Robert, you are probably right, but I think how we get to work is important as well. What I posted was a little

Re: Python -- (just) a successful experiment?

2005-08-08 Thread EP
counterpoint, to develop one's own thoughts even further. And it is kind of nice when you have two teams drilling a mountain tunnel from opposite sides to have an effective way to line up efforts. EP yes, my brain is Swiss cheese tonight --

Re: IronPython 0.9 Released

2005-08-05 Thread EP
Luis M. Gonzalez Announced: IronPython 0.9 Released(8/2/2005 10:28:41 AM) MS website says: System Requirements * Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows XP

Re: IronPython 0.9 Released

2005-08-05 Thread EP
Oops. Nevermind. [like the old Saturday Night Live] Original Message From: EP [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, Aug-4-2005 10:09 PM Subject: Re: IronPython 0.9 Released Luis M. Gonzalez Announced: IronPython 0.9 Released(8/2/2005 10:28

Re: IronPython 0.9 Released

2005-08-05 Thread EP
I've got both 1.1 and 2.0 on this machine... Note that the warning applies to /language/: as in English or French... You can not install French if you have an English version installed. yes, my apologies to all things Iron and or Python. language and version can be confusing if one stays

Re: The ONLY thing that prevents me from using Python

2005-08-05 Thread EP
footprint in the (recently launched) hosting business. Python should definitely run on their servers (filers?). For the betterment of mankind. Anyway, just a thought. EP --

Re: Dabo in 30 seconds?

2005-08-04 Thread EP
sensitivity to mail servers, does it make more sense to send a text message to a db on the developer's server? Has anyone got some open source code to do something like that handy? /EP --

Re: Dabo in 30 seconds?

2005-08-02 Thread EP
Jorge Godoy opined: We can find several problems, almost all of them can be solved with the admin's creativity. In response to which Cliff Wells posted an interpreter session: import creativity Traceback (most recent call last): File stdin, line 1, in ? ImportError: No module

Re: Python-cgi or Perl-cgi script doubt

2005-07-30 Thread EP
Prabahar wrote: I want to know difference between Python-cgi and Perl-cgi and also I want to which one is efficient from the performance. The difference between a cgi program written in Perl and a cgi program written in Python is the choice of programming language. Both work quite

Dabo in 30 seconds?

2005-07-30 Thread EP
Ed Leafe wrote in response to the Python vs. Access VBA thread: You might want to look at Dabo, which is a database application framework for Python. In about 30 seconds you can create an application that queries a database, displays the results, and allows for

Re: removing list comprehensions in Python 3.0

2005-07-10 Thread EP
Well, I want to offer a more radical proposal: why not free squared braces from the burden of representing lists at all? It should be sufficient to write list() list() snip From a visual comprehenison point of view, I would assert that the square form [] is much easier on the eyes

Re: Python choice of database

2005-06-21 Thread EP
Oren suggested: How about using the filesystem as a database? For the number of records you describe it may work surprisingly well. A bonus is that the database is easy to manage manually. I tried this for one application under the Windows OS and it worked fine... until my records (text -

Re: Dealing with marketing types...

2005-06-09 Thread EP
flyingfred0 wrote: A small software team (developers, leads and even the manager when he's had time) has been using (wx)Python/PostgreSQL for over 2 years and developed a successful 1.0 release of a client/server product. A marketing/product manager has brought in additional management

Re: urllib2 pinger : insight as to use, cause of hang-up?

2005-06-06 Thread EP
Mahesh advised: Timing it out will probably solve it. Thanks. Follow-on question regarding implementing a timeout for use by urllib2. I am guessing the simplest way to do this is via socket.setdefaulttimeout(), but I am not sure if this sets a global parameter, and if so, whether it

urllib2 pinger : insight as to use, cause of hang-up?

2005-06-05 Thread EP
Hello patient and tolerant Pythonistas, Iterating through a long list of arbitrary (and possibly syntactically flawed) urls with a urllib2 pinging function I get a hang up. No exception is raised, however (according to Windows Task Manager) python.exe stops using any CPU time, neither

Re: the problem with cgi

2005-05-29 Thread EP
Has anyone seen that problem with running a python cgi script in a server? It takes you to or something. Anyway, does anyone know when this problem will be fixed? Xah Lee is working on it. --

Re: html tags and python

2005-03-26 Thread EP
select option name = 1 value=1January option name = 2 value=2February option name = 3 value=3March option name = 4 value=4April option name = 5 value=5May option name = 6 value=6June option name = 7 value=7July option name

Re: PyGoogle featured on Google Code

2005-03-17 Thread EP
, and it is clear the world's leading search engine places real working value on and trust in Python. Even so, IT and business application departments throughout lalaland are still awash in VBA, Word Macros, and Perl programs no one still around really understands... EP of Lalacentral -- http

Re: About Databases...

2005-03-12 Thread EP
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello NG, Hello! I am still quite a newbie with Python (I intensely use wxPython, anyway). I would like to know what are, in your opinions, the best/faster databases that I could use in Python (and, of course, I should be able to link everything with a

Re: Appeal for python developers

2005-03-06 Thread EP
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] diagnosed Troll. I first checked my calendar to make sure it wasn't April 1, but some folks just can't wait, can they. And another thought: all this use of alphanumeric characters --- aren't we obfuscating the pure binariness we should all know and love

Re: mxCGIPython binaries for Python 2.3.5

2005-02-14 Thread EP
Original Message From: Oleg Broytmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't involve downloading unpacking a file. It is unpackable, ready-to-run python binary. PS. I am neither author nor maintainer, I only

Re: python code with indention

2005-02-08 Thread EP
Original Message From: Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] is it possible to write python code without any indentation? Perhaps our zen-like response to this question should have been: pass --

Re: OT: why are LAMP sites slow?

2005-02-05 Thread EP
The server is slow to respond to requests. Browser rendering is independent of the server architecture and slow to be fetched from the server sounds like it means low network speed. I'm talking about the very familiar experience of clicking a link and then waiting, waiting, waiting

Re: OT: why are LAMP sites slow?

2005-02-04 Thread EP
Tim Daneliuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented: This has a lot to do with the latency and speed of the connecting network. Sites like Ebay, Google, and Amazon are connected to internet backbone nodes (for speed) and are cached throughout the network using things like Akami (to reduce latency)...

Re: variable declaration

2005-01-30 Thread EP
Original Message From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Zatvornitskiy) Hello All! I'am novice in python, and I find one very bad thing (from my point of view) in language. There is no keyword or syntax to declare variable, like 'var' in Pascal, or special syntax

Re: File objects? - under the hood question

2005-01-23 Thread EP
My brain-teaser: What I'd like to do is read the last ~2K of a large number of large files on arbitrary servers across the net, without having to read each file from the beginning (which would be slow and resource inefficient)... Proper googling would have revealed that HTTP 1.1

Re: The Industry choice

2005-01-05 Thread EP
Bulba! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Frankly, I find such models to be built on over-stretched analogies to physics - how _exactly_ is gravity supposed to be an analogy equivalent to economic forces? Sure such model can be built - but is it adequate in explaining real-world phenomenons? Analogy

Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-16 Thread EP
up a beaming between two galaxies in a nanosecond image. I like Monty (the snake), but perhaps there are liabilities arising from having a mascot (what is the mascot for C++?) Of course all those speed comparisons on the web don't help either. EP Fast enough is only fast enough for today

RE: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-14 Thread EP
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Here are my suggestions: ... 4. A larch ... Anybody know what a larch looks like? Right! Well, some rather good pictures of the Larch on this website (my, stunning, the larch looks, eh?!)