
2020-04-20 Thread Edward Montague
Upon using sympy's rubi_integrate upon my quad core computer, I find that the first CPU is being used 100%, whilst the other three are around 1% and 2% . I'm wondering if you have some code to overcome this limitation. --

rubi integrate

2020-04-19 Thread Edward Montague
After wrestling with version incompatibilities and incomplete code, I have produced test code and an edited version of . For I found it necessary to replace exp with rubi_exp, in a few locations; you may want to check this, files are attached. Perhaps this isn't an issue with a


2020-02-28 Thread Edward Montague
The videos on YouTube by fandangleproductions, have been of some use. However as I also use the Geany editor, I find that I need to append this extra code to the Python script generated from wxFormBuilder. # - extra code --- class MyApp(wx.App): def

os with python[s]

2018-07-13 Thread Edward Montague
I encounter numerous problems when changing between versions of python ; one possible answer , Fedora 28 Labs python . So far this has been fairly reliable , I installed Geany , as this is my preferred editor for Python. --


2017-11-12 Thread Edward Montague
After successfully installing python 3.6.3 and the appropriate version of IDLE , I attempted to run a matchpy example , to no avail . I'm using a debian distribution , 8.x or greater , is there something I need to be aware of . The error report points to a statement containing a ' -> '

GUI Designer[s]

2017-06-25 Thread Edward Montague
I've become a bit more familiar with wxglade , wxFormBuilder and to a lesser extent BoaConstructor. There are however numerous other possiblities and extensions . I'd like to eventually have 3D graphics within an application constructed through a GUI Designer ; preferably with quality

mayavi mlab mesh plot3d grid from mesh

2016-06-15 Thread Edward Montague
Hi, I'm wondering if there's any way to overlay a grid upon a mlab.mesh or graph. As an example of what I mean I shall attempt to attach a small file maya2.jpg . --