Obaid R. wrote:
> For a detailed response to the claims of the poster please refer to the
> following.
> [1] "Ron Grossi: God is not a man" an essay:
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/microsoft.public.windowsxp.networ...
> [2] "Ron Grossi: God is not a man" an entire thread:
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/microsoft.public.windowsxp.networ...
> Here is a quick quote showing the man at odds with none other than
> Christ, peace and blessings be upon him, (PBBUH) himself:
> "Moreover, and on at least two occasions in
> the Bible, Christ PBBUH is explicitly
> proclaiming that he was sent only to the lost
> sheep of the house of Israel, not to anyone
> else of the Gentiles.
> "But he answered and said, I am not sent but
> unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
> (Matthew 15: 24) (see also Matthew 10:6)."

You clearly need to do more reading and learn that Jesus was not so short 
sighted or narrow of mind 
that He was not aware of the extent to which His teachings would be spread. Was 
it not Jesus who 
also said, preach the gospel to the whole world, make disciples of the whole 
world, which obviously 
includes Gentiles? And need I remind you of John 3:16? "For God so love the 
world (not just Israel), 
that He gave is only begotten Son that whosoever (fully inclusive of all 
humanity) believes in Him 
shall not perish but have everlasting life."

Clearly, you need to do more study of the scriptures to understand the depth of 
the message Jesus 
brought, not just for Israel, but the whole world, something He was quite clear 
was the function and 
purpose of His ministry.

As for Ron Gossi, well, we will simply say that he has been asked to cease and 
desist from these 
invasive spam posts as they do not reflect the nature of God, to stand at the 
door and knock, 
waiting to be invited in.


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