pause between the loops

2008-09-21 Thread Jackie Wang
Hi all, For a loop like: for i = range (0,10); can I ask python to stop for, say, 5mins, after it go through loop i=0 before it starts loop i=1? Thank you very much! Jackie --

Use BeautifulSoup to delete certain tag while keeping its content

2008-09-06 Thread Jackie Wang
Dear all, I have the following html code: td valign=top headers=col1 font size=2 Center Bank br / Los Angeles, CA /font /td td valign=top headers=col1 font size=2 Salisbury Bank and Trust Company font face=arial, helvetica size=2 color=#000 br / Lakeville, CT /font

Extract Information from Tables in html

2008-09-05 Thread Jackie Wang
Dear all, Here is a html code: td valign=top headers=col4 Premier Community Bank of Southwest Florida br / Fort Myers, FL /td My question is how I can extract the strings and get the results: Premier Community Bank of Southwest Florida; Fort Myers, FL Thanks a lot

Automatically fill in forms on line

2008-03-31 Thread Jackie Wang
Dear all, I want to automatically complete the following task: 1. Go to; 2. Fill in an address in the form Street Address: . e.g. 1316 State Highway 102; 3. Fill in a ZIPcode in the form Zip Code: . e.g. 04609; 4. Click the bottom search; 5. In the

automatically pdf files generating

2007-06-25 Thread Jackie Wang
Hi, all, There are 50 folders in my hard driver C: C:\01.c:\02,...,c:\50 There are 4 pictures in each folder: 1.jpg,2.jpg,3.jpg,4.jpg For each folder, I want to print the 4 pictures into a single-paged pdf file (letter sized; print horizontally). All together, I want to get 50 pdf

dealing with emf/wmf files

2007-06-24 Thread Jackie Wang
I'd like to put some emf/wmf pictures into a pdf file using 'reportlab', but the Python Imaging Library cannot recognize emf files. The wmf files are said to be 'identified only'. Therefore, the following code does not work: from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import

Output of html parsing

2007-06-16 Thread Jackie Wang
Hi, all, I want to get the information of the professors (name,title) from the following link:; Ideally, I'd like to have a output file where each line is one Prof, including his name and title. In practice, I use